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that this article or news/report/matter etc for publish on
ambedkartimes.com or ambedkartimes.org or Ambedkar Times newspaper,
otherwise it would be understood as just an information. Thank
you. Editor. December
05, 2010 |
BAMCEF’s programs in Europe, 2013
July 2013
Wednesday 24th Delegates arriving London from India & USA, Thursday 25th 7.00pm to 8.00pm program on Kanshi TV (805VenusTV) London Studio, Fri- 26 Program on Kanshi Radio, Saturday 27th Kanshi TV at Birmingham- studio 7.00pm to 8.00pm, Sun- 28th National program, in Ambedkar Hall, Southall, Monday 29th Meeting with, friends of BAMCEF in London, Tue- 30th Meeting in Parliament, Wed-31st Visit places connected with Baba Sahib
August 2013
Thursday-1st August Departure from London to Paris, Mon- or Tue- (5th/6th) Departure from Paris to Italy, Mon- or Tue- (12th /13th Departure from Italy to Greece, Mon- or Tue (19th Aug-/20th) Return from Greece to London Waman Meshram, Ramdas Athawale, Avinash Kamble, Kalpna Saroj, Gore Manan, Dr. Ratan Singh, M. K. Parmar, Sarish Parmar, Prof. Ghobhle, Sarish Ramtake and Dr. Jeevan Parmar. These distinguish guests will be arriving on 24th July some may be later.
Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com July 18, 2013
People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)
and National Alliance on Testimonial Therapy (NATT) is jointly
organising 2-day National Consultation on ‘Testimonial
campaign contribute to eliminate impunity for perpetrators
of torture in India’ from 12th to 13th July 2012.
On 12th July 2012, the National Consultation would begin at
10.30 a.m. in Magnolia Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi. Hon’ble Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, Chairperson,
National Human Rights Commission would be the Chief Guest.
Mr. Pavel Svitil, Minister-Chargé d'affaires, Delegation
of the European Union to India would grace the occasion as
guest of honour. The session would be chaired by Mr. Gautam
Navlakha, Consultant Editor-Economic and Political Weekly
(EPW) and the speakers Mr. Sankar Sen, Ex- Director General,
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Dr D. Roy Laifungbam,
Chairperson, Human to Humane Tran cultural Centre for Torture
Victims (H2H) and Mr. Mathews Philip, Executive Director,
The key Speakers in the session would be human rights defenders
from Manipur, Assam, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jammu
& Kashmir, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal,
Madhya Pradesh and New Delhi etc.
On 13th July 2012, the National Consultation would chalk out
a future plan and sessions would be held at Indian Social
Institute, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
On the 1st day of the National Consultation, PVCHR is honouring
Mohammad Aamir Khan with the Jan Mitra Award, who was released
in January 2012 after 14 years of incarceration and was named
as main accused in 20 low-intensity bomb blasts which took
place between December 1996 and October 1997 in Delhi, Rohtak,
Sonepat and Ghaziabad
PS: For further information about this programme
please contact Ms. Shruti Nagvanshi (Mobile+91-9935599330)
or Ms. Shirin Shabana Khan (+91-9453155296 or email: shabana@pvchr.asia)
Posted on July 11, 2012 |
Greetings to all. I am feeling
proud myself to get such an opportunity to be present at
this International Dalit Conference. First, I have a question
in my mind that whether I have come to a foreign Country
or to my own native land? 64 years ago, it was our native
land and there were no barrier between these two countries.
My parent’s birth place is Barisal. First of all I
am a Bangalee and I have come in Bangladesh having same
mother Language. Now Bengal has been divided by BSF and
BDR/BGB. It is a very much pathetic history of our life
and in our country.
I am from BAMCEF Organisation, the full from of BAMCEF is
the All India Backward and Minority Communities Employers
Federation.. BAMCEF thinks of the socio economic cultural
developments of the Dalits of India and act strongly as
a non political common platform amongst the Dalits. The
term Backward has reference in the Article 16(4) of the
Constitution of India. The SC.ST, OBC have been jointly
referred to as Backward because all these castes falling
in these categories of backward, but the degree of backwardness
varies. This is due to doctrine of graded inequality professed
by Brahmanism. The Scheduled caste, scheduled Tribes and
other backward classes’ people are all aware that
they are historically one class of people, the original
inhabitants of India. As far as the term Minority in India
is concerned. it refers to the religious minorities in India.
Social Scientist have proved that during the course of history,
some of the Mulnivasis, that is indigenous people, got converted
to different religions at different point of time. These
mainly include Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, and Buddhist
etc. Our BAMCEF established to propagate the philosophy
and vision of Dalit icons, Dalit messiahs namely Rastrapita
Jyotirao Phuley, Rastranirmata Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, Periar
Ramaswamy Nayekar, Sahuji Mahraj, Birsa Munda, Hari Chand
Guruchand Thakur, Jogendranath Mondal etc etc. The Misson
of BAMCEF is the Misson of these forefathers, that is for
establish casteless and classless society, eradication of
untouchability and achieving social justice for Dalits and
to uproot Brahmanism, the sprit of inequality and to preserve
a new social system based on humanity and the principal
of equality liberty fraternity and justice. India was a
country of equality fraternity brotherhood, love respect,
before Aryan Invasion, these are the Buddhist Philosophy.
Humanism is the main philosophy of Buddhism. The Brahmanism
has destroyed the Buddhist philosophy. Now we called Hindu
but in no religions books there is no word of Hindu. This
is ridiculous. Brahmanism has divided us more than six thousand
seven hundred castes from upper to lower, not equal.
As per Government of India, UGC News, Vol-3, March ‘98
issue says that India has 4,694 Communities and 324 Languages.
We demarcated the line between the oppressor and exploited
people by adopting ideology of 15% VS 85% in which 15% people
of India are beneficiaries and 85% are victims of the Brahmanical
social systems. In India the population of Brahmins is only
3.5% but they have captured 70% Government Services. As
per the news report published in the Times London DV 16-30th
Jun 1991, it’s revels that in India there are 19 Numbers
Brahmin Secretaries out of total 26 Secretaries, 13 Brahmin
Governors out of 27 Governors, 116 Brahmins out of 330 Chief
Secretaries, 50 Numbers Brahmin Vice Chancellors out 98
Vice Chancellors of Universities, 258 Numbers Brahmins Distract
Magistrates out of total 348 District Magistrates, out of
total 3300 IAS Officers there are 2376 Brahmins, 90% NRI
are Brahmins, Since independences the India has been ruled
by upper castes, still now the Government of India is being
led by Brahmanical forces and the opposition party is also
led by Brahmins Political Leaders.
Branhmins are parasitic and they reap benefits of others
labors. Brahmins mentions that Vedas give what the ideal
society, the society that is fragmented into four castes.
i.e. Brahmins, Kshtriya, Vaishyas and Shudars. There are
huge differences between these castes in the field of social
status or respect, social rights and privileges. The higher
castes enjoys more benefits that the lower castes. Brahmins
are above everyone and Shudars are the lowest rung. The
jobs of Brahmins is to receive and give education and conduct
all religious functions and ritual like priest, Khatniyas
had to take-up arms and weapons and fight. Vaishyas were
to be engaged in trade and commerce. Sudras are at the lower
level and were the slaves who had to work for the three
higher castes. A person of one caste can not enter into
the livelihood of other castes. . Castes are not according
to one’s work but according to ones birth... A person
of lower caste not entitled to do the work of another caste.
This is Vedic Society. . Gautam Buddha had criticized this
social structure very strongly. The basic policy is that
of inequality, Brahamins have created this unequal social
framework to keep the all others under them as slaves. Buddha
proved all reasoning given by Brahmins are wrong. Buddhism
is the original religion of India. Brahmanism or Vedic religion
or Hinduism is the religion of Aryans who were foreigners
who made 90% of the indigenous population as slaves. Tribal
peoples are the worst sufferer of the Brahmanical social
order. In historical point of view Aryans are not indigenous
people of India. It has been proved beyond doubts that Aryans
are foreignness and they do not belong to our land. Aryans
now they are Brahmins invaded India. See the recent research
on DNA, it proves that Dalit and Minorities DNA are same
but the upper castes DNA does not match with us. It matched
with western countrymen’s. . I brought some books,
on that research; you may go through that research oriented
book which is available in the Mela. That Aryans under-took
a continuous and prolonged attacked on the culture and civilization
of Mulnivasis of India. As a part of the strategy of battle,
some Mulnivasis went jangle and continued to stay in jungles,
these are called Adivasi they are scheduled tribes today.
The Adibasi society is based on community living co-existence
with nature collative decision making non profit and equality
for all. Now a days the world is heading towards a critical
situation and the life and mission of these tribal may show
a road map of the inclusive development of the so called
development theories which are based on exploitation injustices
and against nature. Friends remember the sacrifice of our
great ancestors and recall the single handed fight of Dr
Ambedkar and we the Indian Dalits are very much grateful
to the Dalits and people of Khulna, Barisal, Faridpur, Tangail,
Rangpur etc. districts who send Dr. Ambedkar in the constituent
Assembly to write the Constitution of India and Dr. Ambedkar
gave us the reservation for SC/ST/OBCs. .Although reservation
in Govt service demanded 1st by upper castes people in British
period and the Government of British gave reservation quota
for IAS services. The SC/STs had the right of reservation
in the field of (1) advancement (2) profession and (3) representation
in Government programmes with quota of 15% as well as 23%
for SCs 7.5% as well as 5% for STs in Central and State
Government programmes since 1950 and 1976 respectively.
This was a fundamental rights. During the first two decades
of its origin in 1950 the so called Mannvadi or Brahminovite
political leaders of India gave a deaf ear to the hue and
cry of the SC/STs and consequently they did not apply the
right of reservation at all. A little bit emphasis was given
by the rules for application of reservation in the 70s and
80s decade. As a result of which a few SCs and STs could
be asle to reach to the arena of higher education and Government
service. So reservation is the only key of the present progress
of SC/STs which is seen today in India. But the progress
of the SC/STs were checked rather stooped at the outset
of the 1990 decade due to unwillingness of the planners
administration and politicians backed by the Supreme Court
of India vide its famous Mondal Judgment dated 16th nov
92 and so on. All of you know that India entered in the
era of LPG that is Liberalization Privatiza tcon and globalization,
in 1994 the GATT arrangement kicked off the Davits from
behind. and as a result of which dalits are about to be
drowned into fathomless depth of the poverty of ocean. .Government
of India changed the Patent Act. Government departments
were sold out to the inland and foreign Multi National Companies
at nominal costs. As a result of shifting of the Govt owned
and managed enterprise to the private sectors the hard earned
right of reservations of the SC/STs started vanishing and
today a large number of Government enterprises have gone
to the private sectors and SC/STs are deprived of their
rights. .Moreover Government of India time to time issued
five anti-reservation orders. During 1990s decade the Supreme
Court of India over-exercised its power other than laid
down in the Constitution by issuing various verdicts against
the reservation policy of SC/STs and the Government of India
was keeping mum. The apex Court can not suppress the Parliament
but the same was repeated in several times. Dalit political
leaders and their parties also voiceless in the law making
house . During the ruling of National Democratic Alliances
(NDA) Govt led by the BJP at the Centre. .Mr. Atal Behari
Bajpaiye as the Prime Ministers declared one Judicial commission
of 11 members headed by Justices Mr. Venkatchellaiya on
13th feb 2000 for rewriting the Constitution of India. The
aim of the attempt was to change the mandate of equality
and social justice followed by dilution and abolition of
the right of reservation and safe guards of the minorities.
The Dalit peoples started strong movements and as a result
of which these all attempts was dropped. In India Jobs in
the Govt sector are shrinking fast and eligible educated
Dalit boys are not getting employment more jobs are being
created in the private sector where our entry is banned.
So long as reservation is not extended in private sector,
situation will become bad to worst. After putting so many
efforts we realized that Manuvadi Govt and Industrialists
are not going to give reservation in private sector. So
we had to rush for international support for our just cause.
The foreign Government controlled business in India; there
the concerned foreign Government may pass law to provide
reservation and job quota and can ensure participation of
Dalits in projects sponsored by World Bank etc. If manuvadi
industrialists are not ready to share their wealth with
Dalits let them share with foreign business and other International
Today India is a factory of manufacturing beggars. Dr. Arjun
Sengupta’s report shows that 77% or 80 to 85 crores
of people are living below the poverty line. Though India
is a very resourceful country but we have the greatest numbers
of poor people in the world. We have to exert our rights
that the remedy. Least but not last point I want to add
that the Govt of India amended the Citizenship Act 2003
where in Bengali Refugees can not get Citizenship. Before
conclusion I want to make an announcement that BAMCEF organized
conference of Davits in every year, this year it will be
held at Nagpur from 25th to 28th December 2011. I invite
all of you to attend in the said conference.Thank you.
2nd Session:-
My dear brothers and sisters,
In this computer era casteism prevails everywhere India.
The PTI News published on 31st may 1997 that a newly appointed
principal in a collage of Bihar Mr. Kameswar Jha washed
his chair by holy Ganga water as the earlier principal was
a Dalit. In the year 1997 at Village Gopinathpur PS: Narayangar,
Disit. Midnapur West Bengal the Hari Communities fought
for getting permission to worship puja at local Mandir.
In Kolkatta also in the Duraga puja of Dompara the Dom people
are not allowed to participate in the Puja. .In the birth
place of Raja Ram Mohan Ray the pioneer of renesa movement
and he stopped satidaha, satidaha means after death of husband
living wives was cremated along with the dead body of her
husband and during that period one man had many more wife’s.
. Village: Khanakul, the birth please of Ram Mohan, there
are two separate burial grounds. /Shaswan Ghat one for Brahmins
and another for non Brahmins. . Few years ago, in the District:
Ganjan of Orrisa Vill.: Dhunburi the apper caste people
charged fine of Rs 1.5 Lakhs to Dhopa Community against
charges that they want to increase Rs. 50 per year instead
of 20 for washing clothes of upper caste for this absured
demand they not only fined for Rs. 1.5 lakhs they stopped
to takes crops from their fields and physical assaults also.Although
Napit people also denyed to cut hair and wash the leg of
upper caste in that area. In the District Shibgang of Tamil
Nadu State one Dalit women Panchayet Prodhan was stabbed
by knife by an upper caste man when she hoisting flag in
India Independence Day.
On 28th July 2001 in Mou city the birth place of Babasaheb
Ambedkar some Chamar people went shaswan Ghat/Burial Ground
for creamation of a dead body, suddenly began heavy rain,
there was no shed in the burial ground marked for lower
castes, finding no way out they brought the dead body to
the sheded area marked for upper castes. After having this,
the upper caste people vehemently attacked with strict and
sharp weapon to the Chamar Basti and destroyed the Jhuggi
Jhopris of chamars. . In Village Dudas Distt: Debas of Madhya
Pradesh. As per the Government reservation policy the panchayet
post declared reserved for Scheduled Tribe Woman in panehayet
election 2001. There was only one Tribal family .in that
village but they also went-out another area due to torture
of .the upper caste, then the upper caste people prayed
to Govt for dereservation but Govt. did not agreed. .Then
the Muslim people of that village brought that Tribal family
and one woman from that family become panchayat pradhan
but she have to do work by the instructions of upper caste
peoples. Similar fact happened in Manasha Gram Panchayat.
Wherein upper caste people forcefully or by showing threat
of murder they used to take sign of ST illiterate woman
panchayat pradhan and by that papers the living man showed
dead and siphoned Government money, . Once it come notice
to the D.M. then the facts reveals.
After the earth quick in Gujrat and after Sunami in south
India during the distribution of relief materials, Dalit
peoples were discriminate and deprieved badly. The Government
constructed some temporary shelters where the upper caste
people refused to stay with Dalit peoples. So the Government
has to make separate shelters for Dalits celebrated economist
Nobel laurite Prof. Amarta Sen’s report shows the
dismal condition of dalit students in primary education
system. . Many political parties make dalit issues and shows
crocodile tears. There are so many organizations and groups
working for the upliftment of Dalit and to change the social
systeam, few of them are BAMCEF, Bhanat Mukti Moreha, and
All India confederation of SC/STs. Depressed Classes Lcague,
Ambedkar Missions, Hari Guruchand Matua Mahasangha, and
Prometheous. Dalit Samaj Mahajote, Guru Rabidas Seva Sangha,
Mulnibasi Samaj Sangha etc and different caste based Samities
like Namasudra Samity, Koibarta Samity .etc there are many
cultural groups also like Santikunja in west Benpal etc.
There are vanious types of divisions and ill coordinations
amongst the groups and there are also ledership problems.
. Now some dalit leaders introduces a new policy to arrange
puja, marriage sarads etc. without Brahmans. The Dravir
Mahasangha is trying to form religious Parlament to make
the new systeam of puja and other religious ceremonies avoiding
Brahmins and sanstkit mantres they prepared new mantras/chants
by citing the name and Misson of Dr. Ambedkar and other
dalit messiahs. I extend my heart felt thanks to the Manusher
Jonnya Foundation for organizing this Dalit Conference.
I also request them to spare some pages on their website
for only Dalit issues and to coordinate all Dalit organizations.
Thank you once again. Posted
on April 06, 2011
Dear Brothers/Sisters-Jai
wish to inform you that Bhartiya Samanvaya Sangthan(Lakshay)
is organising a "Bahujan Janjagran Rally"
from Faridabad(Haryana) to Rashtriya Dalit Prerna
Sthal(Noida-UP) which has been built up by Behan
Mayawati CM UP, on 11 December 2011(Sunday). Rally
will start at 11 AM, from Ambedkar Chowk NIT Faridabad.
of rally : Ambekar chowk NIT, Ajronda Chowk...,Badkal
Chowk, Badarpur(Delhi), Kalandi kunj to Noida (UP).
are cordially invited to join the rally and show
our solidarity and thanks to Behan Mayawati CM UP
for the great jobs.
Yograj Pakodar (Mob: 8802032038), Chief Commander
- Haryana, Bhartiya Samanvaya Santhan(Lakshay) Posted
on November 29, 2011
You are cordially invited for a talk on
by : Dr. Suresh Mane, National General
Secretary of BSP,
(Ex Professor and Head of Department of Law, University
of Mumbai, India, PhD in Indian Constitution Law )
Nov. 19th, at 2:30 pm. at Sri Guru Ravi Dass Temple, 6221
16th St, Rio Linda, California - Talk: Hindi & English
the speaker
In his career of law professor for more than 25 years, Prof.
(Dr.) Suresh Mane has a long list of publications, including
more than ten books, seven monographs and fifty articles on
a wide range of issues, such as, law, economics, politics,
social history, human rights, social struggles and Indian
Constitutional law. His important literary contributions include
“Glimpses of Socio-Cultural Revolts in India”
(2006), “Indian Constitutional Law: Dynamics and Challenges”
(2007), “Crime Criminal Law & Criminology”
(2008), “The Man Who Codified Indian Independence”(2010),
“The Global Law” (edited-2011) and “A Paradigm
Shift in Legal Education & Research” (edited-2011).
Some of his books have been also translated in Tamil &
Malayalam languages. On different subjects of topical importance,
he has contributed more than 50 research papers in national
and international seminars & conferences. He himself has
been the chief organizer for many national as well as international
seminars and conferences. Dr. Mane few months ago took voluntary
retirement from his teaching career of 25 years at University
of Mumbai to devote his full time for Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar’s
mission. He has another very important responsibility in his
social career. He is the National General Secretary of BSP
and holds the responsibility for the entire South India.
Dr. Mane is basically visiting U.S for an academic activity
at Syracuse University, NY. We took this opportunity to set
up his lecture in Sacramento & Bay Area.
With Regards
Gurbux Singh Bagha and Naresh Barsagade (Posted
on November 16, 2011)
Saturday, Date: June 11th, 2011, Time 5:00pm to
event by Bamcef International (Bacward & minority communities’
employees’ fedration) and OFMI (Organization for minorities
of India)
“What are we having this liberty for?
We are having this librity in order to reform our social
which is full of inequality, discrimination and other things,
which conflict with our fundamental rights.” Dr.
The program will includel speeches
on the life & mission of Dr B R Ambedkar and the impact
of legacy upon modern India. A dinner will be served in
For more info, email
info@ofmi.org or call Jassie Banga at 916 796 5003 or Palwinder
Mahi 530 237 7080 Posted on June 05,
is to inform you that Mr. Pramod Kureel (MP) has started
the BAMCEF at BHEL Trichy. For the last 20 yrs Dr
Ambedkar Employees Union has been functioning at BHEL
Trichy without any political identity due to which
the labors and employees suffered a lot in BHEL.
Mr. Jeevan kumar, The State General Secretary of BSP
had long negotiation with the Office Bearers and the
members of BHEL and finally they accepted to join
in BSP movement. On 23 May 2011 around two thousand
and five hundred SC/ ST/ OBC and Religious Minority
members of BHEL have enrolled their name in BSP movement.
A. louis Please
click here for more Please click here
for more pictures regarding yhis news
on May 27, 2011 |

Astonishing Behaviour
of Dhenkanal Administration:Police again tried to Arrest
Er. Hota in Hunger-Strike,but failed.
(27/5) – Today, the hunger-strike of Er.
Debashisha Hota,the convenor of Krishak Sangharsh Samiti,reached
at 5th day.The Collector is worried of the rising public support
to this movement for the sake of the poor farmers.But he doesn’t
reach at the place of hunger –strike till date.
Astonishingly, by his topmost pressure, the town thana incharge
with his force reached at Er.Hota today at 10.30 am &
said that you’ve been arrested for your detoriating
health by IPC-307.”Please call the Medical team.If they
say this after my thorough medical check-up,you can arrest
me”, Er.Hota replied. When the medical team examined
Er. Hota,they reported that Er.Hota’s health is fine
even after 5th day long hunger-strike. This failed the 2nd
attempt to arrest Er.Hota & to destabilize the ongoing
great movement.
when the medical team reached at the hunger-strike place Er.Hota
reported them that the ADMO Dr. Hota examined him on 23rd
night at 10 pm & said that the blood pressure of Er.Hota
was excess low at that time.Whereas he was arrested just after
3 hours i.e., at 1 am of 24th, by a false case of the Tumusinga
Police.”Without the due permission of the ADMO,how the
police arrested me, there should be a high-level enquiry for
this”,Er, Hota demanded.
the Collector doesn’t give the time limit to fulfil
our agreed 20 demands by written immediately,the farmers’
movement will be at the extreme stage & the Collector
will solely responsible for the law-and-order situation caused
due to his undemocratic behaviour,the district Secretary of
Krishak Sangharsh Samiti Niranjan Sahu threatened by a press
the 5th day of hunger-strike the President of Lawers’
forum Subodh Mohanty,district general secretary of Bharat
Swabhiman & Patanjali Nimain Charan Mohanty,eminent socialist
Antaryami Rath,top leader of RSS Sarat Panigrahi ,Secretary
of Gondia development forum Malay Singh,Convenor of district
ungranted professor & employees’ association Samir
Sahu ,District secretary of VHP Chiranjiv Nanda,top student
leader Er.Biswajit Mohapatra & eminent farmer leader Sudarshan
Nayak are the important social leaders who reached at Er.Hota
& support him for this great movement. Posted
on May 27, 2011 |
Dear Mr Prem Chumber,
My name is Siddhartha Valicharla. I am a Mulnivasi currently
living in Milwaukee, WI. I am involved in working for our
community and have recently attended the 27th National BAMCEF
convention in Durgapur. I was actually the iauguarator of
the session (Please see links below) and have come back
with renewed energy and purpose. As part of this, I have
recently started an awareness program here to gather international
awareness and support for our movement. I think I can learn
a lot from what you have achieved in Canada and would like
to get in touch with you
would like to develop our friendship and would even be open
to attending any sessions that you mighthave for celebrating
our history and culture (Babasaheb, Guru Ravidas, Guru Nanak,
Gautam Buddha).
Please see page 9 for my speech
A reply given to my American friend
It would also be of great help if you can introduce me to
our Mulnivasis in Milwaukee and Chicago area.
Sidd Valicharla (414) 687 3103
Posted on January 24, 201
27th National Convention was organized from 19th to 22nd
December 2010 at Ayothi Dassar-Periyar ground, (Pachappaya
College ground), Chennai. This convention was a grand
success in line with the objective set forth for the convention
by the CEC of BAMCEF. In all 1000 delegates from different
states participated in this convention with two international
delegates from UAE and USA. The convention was inaugurated
by Dr. P. Murugesa Boopaphi (Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu
Agriculture University, Coimbatore) and Mr. S. S. Dhammy
(National President, BAMCEF) presided over the session.
The convention was organized on two fronts. One was related
only for caders and other part relating to mass awakening
sessions. Three group discussion topics were designed
for delegates, whereas three mass awakening sessions were
organized for general awakening of the mass. On the first
day of the convention all the present delegates were grouped
into 7 different groups comprising of 20 to 30 delegates
to discuss the delegate topics. In all 21 groups were
made so that there will be participation of each and every
delegate in the group discussion. These 7 groups in each
topic, were having there different group leaders, which
again consolidated their views on one particular topic
and the same were conveyed to the present delegates on
respective delegate session days. The delegate topics
kept for discussion were
“Understanding the missionary organization, Obstacles
in involving SC/ST/OBC and religious minorities in the missionary
organization and means to overcome”
“Necessity of generating perennial and matching financial
resources to accomplish the objective of missionary organization”
“The role of Mulnivasi identity in running the Phuley-Ambedkarite
movement. The attack from counter forces and ways to tackle
sessions were conducted by CEC members and were presided
by senior functionaries of BAMCEF, like, Mr.S.S.Dhammy,
Mr.B.D.Borkar and Mr.Dayaram
mass awakening topics kept for discussion were
“Head count of OBC’s after the census is an
eye wash by the Government and is detrimental to the constitutional
rights of OBC’s”
“Do the religious minorities ever expect justice from
a judiciary commanded by Brahminism”
“The changing face of Brahminical terrorism, a threat
to national security and integrity”
dignitaries who delivered there awakening speeches were,
Mr.Shiv, Nandan Ram (Retd. IAS, Patna), Mr.Vidhu Thalai
Rajendra (Gen. Sec. PDK Chennai), Dr.Manisha Bangar (National
President, Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh), Dr.K.S.Chawhan (Sr.Adv.
Supreme court), Dr.Shiv Jatan Thakur (Eng. Deptt, Patna
University), Mr.Azhariaha Bishop (CSI Chennai), Dr.Ajit
Chahal (Law Dept. Kurukshetra Uni.) , Prof. D.Peda Raju
(Dept. of English, Andhra University)
these three sessions were conducted by CEC members and Presided
by Mr.H.S.Patel, Mr.Kaleem Ansari and Prof. P.D.Satyapal.
session was dedicated to the offshoot wings of BAMCEF to
make aware of their developments in their respective fields.
Highlights of the convention were
There was continuous heavy rain for the initial two days
of the convention, but despite of the rain the convention
went as per the plan and all the commited caders of BAMCEF
attended all the sessions without fail
All the residential, dining and main pandal arrangements
were made rain proof
Various noted Book centres (Gautam Book centre-Delhi, Panchsheel
Book centre-Nagpur) participated in the convention from
different parts of the country beside heavy rain.
In the Inaugural session the book “BAMCEF in brief”
in Tamil Language was inaugurated at the hands of Chief
guest of the convention, whereas “Mulnivasi calendar
2011” was inaugurated at the hands of Sr.CEC member,
Two other books translated in Tamil language were also inaugurated
in different sessions
The first day BAMCEF Flag hosting ceremony was followed
with traditional Mulnivasi dance by a group of Mulnivasi
activists of Tamilnadu.
The 5th day of the convention was dedicated for general
body meeting with thought provoking participation by the
caders for the development of BAMCEF organization.
The convention was covered by local print media and electronic
All the caders and senior functionaries of BAMCEF felt that
the purpose of organizing national convention at Chennai
was fulfilled with the motivation created within the Tamilnadu
caders and their commitments given in the Vote of thanks
: www.bamcef.org for more details and also see BAMCEF Tamilnadu
on facebook for more convention photos.
Posted on December 30, 2010
Sant Raidas Nagar, Chandigarh—28th
Dec 2009: Four days national convention of BAMCEF (The All India
Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation) was
organized from 25th Dec to 28th Dec at a specially developed
campus called Sant Raidas Nagar near Shyam Mall Sector 34, Chandigarh.
The convention was inaugurated by Prof. Shyam Lal, Vice Chancellor
Patna University and was presided over by Dr. Chandu Maiske
(National President, BAMCEF). Prof. Syamlal while inaugurating
the convention made a special reference to the very famous slogan
of Dr. Ambedkar – “Educate, Organize, Agitate”
and stated that it is the ‘education’ through which
we have reached the positions that we hold today. Some persons
in our society have become the president of India, the Deputy
Prime Minister, the Speaker of Parliament or Chief justice of
India and the person like me who is a Vice Chancellor of a University.
This is all because of Education. In the area of Organization
and ‘unity’ the caste system is a big hurdle in
organizing our people. Due to the revival of Brahminism after
independence the ruling castes have made conscious efforts in
keeping our people divided among different castes. He added,
after the great efforts made by Mulnivasi Sants and Social Reformers
we had got an ideology to fight against Brahminism. Dr. Ambedkar
single handedly managed to protect the interests of our people
through Constitutional Mechanism. But after his death it is
the BAMCEF organization which has really taken a command to
organize all the backward castes into a society called Mulnivasi
Bahujan Samaj. This is an achievement in the context of organizing
the masses. However the matter of agitation needs to be rigorously
taken on task. He further stated that our own people are observed
to be the strong followers of ‘Brahminism’ which
prompts them to deceive our society. Thus we are facing a problem
to fight at two fronts at a time. On one front we have to fight
against the ‘Brahminical Force’ and on the other
we are required to face our own people opposing the ideology
of our forefather. The later is very difficult for handling
but we must be determined to take the carvan (Mission) of our
forefathers ahead. This will remove all the barriers in our
In his address, Prof. Shyamlal express a great concern for the
rise in educational fees and the process of privatization, liberalization,
globalization through which the poor is becoming poor and rich
is becoming richer. This is a problem caused by Brahminism.
To fight against all the Brahminical forces we are urgently
required to get organize under a common identity of Mulnivasi
which is being propagated by BAMCEF.
Dr. Maiske in his presidential address highlighted
the burning issues faced by Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj in particular
and the nation at large. The problem of acute food scarcity
in the country, farmers suicides, Naxalism, Privatization and
Commercialization of Education, Creamy Layer, Caste Certificates
and Nepotism in politics as well as arbitrary and favored appointments
in the Judiciary were amongst the most burning issues he addressed.
He emphasized the need of Mass Movement for solving the problems
of Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj at National level. Giving an organizational
message to the cadres, he appraised the effort of the organization
in Institutionalization of the functioning of Phule Ambedkatite
Movement and expressed a need to extend them. He stated that
the theme of the convention is –“Uproot Brahminism,
the Spirit of Inequality” which is a slogan given by Dr.
The discussions and deliberations held during
four days proceeding were focused on the burning issues related
to Mulniwasi Bahujan Samaj (i.e: SC, ST, OBC and converted minorities).
We got to witness and inform ourselves with the logical and
heated debates and discussion on varied topics which included
subjects like: The Issues of caste certificate, Rise in educational
fees, Nepotism in politics, Arbitrariness and favoritism in
judicial appointments, Brahminism the root cause behind the
plight of minorities communities and other backward classes,
the claim of indigenous people over the Indus Valley Civilization
and, the issue of mass movement to be launched by BAMCEF in
coming future.
Apart from this, three-delegate sessions were
dedicated for discussing issues related to organizational development
and cadre building. The intellectuals from different walks of
life participated. Among them were personas from different fields
of knowledge cutting across all the Universities like Jawhar
Lal Nehru University, Patna University, Kurukshetra University,
Gujarat University, University of Lucknow, Allahbad University,
Punjab University, Gorakhpur University, Humpy University, Andhra
University and Swarashtra University (Gujarat). Also speakers
from various reputed institutions of Govt. of India like The
Department of Custom and Central Excise and Income Tax, The
Indian Railways as well as many literary figures and media persons
took part with full fervor.
Each day three sessions were arranged at morning,
afternoon and evening. Altogether there were twelve sessions,
which were held there. Each one presided by the competent authorities
from BAMCEF organizations. They were Dr. Chandu Maske (National
President), Mr. S. S. Dhammy, Member Central Executive Committee
of BAMCEF, Mr. D.D. Kalyani member CEC, Mr. BD Borker (Chief
Executive, BAMCEF off shoot wings), Mr. Dayaram (CEC member),
Mr. Kalim Ansari (CEC member), Mr SF Gangawane (National Pracharak
During the discussion on the issue of Caste Certificates, Dr
KS Chauhan (Advocate Supreme Court, New Delhi) brought to the
notice of audience; “The system of asking record of caste
certificates for past 50 years from our people is a deliberate
effort of harassing and technically debarring us from availing
benefits of reservation policy. In order to present one’s
caste certificate we eventually have to bring forth the past
record of fifty years of our parents for getting our own caste
certificates. This is something very uncommon and do not fit
into the constitutional framework. Thus needs to be democratically
Er. Kanha Ram (Ex-President Backward Classes
Association, Haryana), asserted that the present system of issuing
caste certificates needs to changed otherwise we will be forced
to throw the government out of the power by organizing all Mulniwasi
Bahujan people. Secondly he said, denying the representation
(reservation) in the other states (other than the state of parental
residence) is totally an anti-constitutional act. Constitution
does not permit anybody to discriminate against any persons/citizen
on the grounds of place of birth. Therefore this matter needs
to be dealt with serious legal action.
While speaking on the issue of rise in Educational fees, Dr.
Vivek Kumar (Professor of Sociology from JNU, New Delhi) highlighted
the fact that, privatization and commercialization of education
is a part of wider conspiracies hatched by the Brahmincal forces.
They have brought this into practice by denying our students
(to the members of backward classes and minority communities)
the access to higher education. Some other speakers also expressed
their serious concerns about the inability of even a Super Class-I
officer in affording the higher education for their children.
Thus rise in price of educational fees is exposing the culprits
in their disguise. This is hampering the education of our future
generation. It has been so cleverly designed that even super
class one officers cannot afford higher education of their children.
The chairperson concluded the discussion by making a note that
nationwide awakening and agitations will be launched to protect
our right to education.
The matter regarding rise of nepotism in the politics was seriously
discussed by Prof. Ronki Ram (Head of Department of Political
Science at Punjab University) and Dr. Munesh Kumar (Assistant
Professor at the Department of Education in Gorakhpur University).
They drew the conclusion that nepotism is consciously been practiced
not only in politics but also in executive and Judiciary. This
practice should not be tolerated as it is widely contributing
in damaging the fabric of democratic values and principles enshrines
in the Constitution of India. Mulniwasi Bahujan masses should
teach a lesson to the rulers who are indulged in this conspiracy.
Drawing a connection from the subject of nepotism in politics
an arbitrary and favored appointments in judiciary, P.N. Gangwar(
Advocate Allahbad High Court ) argued that, in the judicial
appointments some High court and Supreme Court judges during
their tenure have favorably appointed the people from their
own castes, even if they weren’t competent enough to be
there. The caste like Kaysta and Brahmin have monopolized the
judiciary through their over representation in it due to the
practice of nepotism.
Dr N.N. Singh (Professor at the Department
of Law Lucknow University) and Jai Singh Jangra (Rtd. Judge
Chnadigarh High Court) also substantiated the same opinion by
giving evidences from their working experiences in their own
respective fields. Mr. B.D. Borkar while concluding the discussions
said that the judges belonging to Brahminical forces (castes)
have created a constitutional problem in judicial appointments.
As on one hand they have taken the role of legislatures into
their hands, i.e.: the judges of SC& HC have started enacting
the legislation rather than defining the legislation enacted
in the Parliament of India and on the other hand they have developed
a system of appointment themselves on their own. This is being
done through a concept of collegiums for appointing judges in
high court and Supreme Court. Therefore a special legislation
to nullify this effect is required.
In a thread bread discussion on the causes of economical and
social backwardness amongst OBC Mr. H.P. Verma ( Rtd. Deputy
Director, Town Planning, Madhya Pradesh) said, “ Brahmnical
ideology has enslaved the minds of backward classes and isolated
them from the mainstream into the brackets of their own castes.
Thus Brahmnism is the root cause of their social and economic
degradation. Mr. D.L. Maneshwar, a social thinker from Balagahat
(MP) and Advocate P.N. Gangwar also participated on the same
Mr Ivan Kostka, (Chief Editor of the monthly
journal Forward Press New Delhi) opined that Brahminism is a
disease and Hinduism is nothing but Brahminism. It operates
through Varna shram dharama (The four Varna system of social
division) and Caste System. As Brahmanism is inbuilt in Hindu
culture, it has a serious bearing on the frame of mind of the
backward classes who religiously abide by it which ultimately
hinders their development. Therefore a large scale awakening
on the issue of Brahminism needs to be undertaken.
Mr. Ashok Parmar (National President, Mulniwasi Kramachari Kalyan
Mahasangh), Mr. Ramgopal Azad (Chief Superintendent Rail Ticket,
Lucknow) and Mohd. Inambabu Ansari (Principal Doon Oxford School,
Dehradoon) participated in the discussion on “Brahaminism
as a root cause of the plight of the minorities”. The
session was concluded by Mr. Kalim Ansari (CEC member, BAMCEF).
In his concluding speech he clarified how the Muslims priests
(Mulla-Maulavis) have incorporated Brahminisms in Indian Islam.
Refering to Akbar nama he stated Brahamin favor Akbar only because
Akbar had issued an order to stop backward Muslims from acquiring
education. He also quoted Sr. Syed Ahmad from his famous book
Badzaat Julahe to highlight the fact that backward Muslims (Pasmanda)
are separate from the so-called pureblooded Muslims. He concluded
that if backward Muslims confine themselves to the religious
rituals only then they would not be able to come out from the
clutches of Brahaminisms. He further explained how Brahaminisms
has arrested the philosophy of Islam in India. “In the
name of Islam the religious leaders are practicing Brahminisms.
Therefore they have no alternative other than getting organized
under the identity of Mulniwasi in their socio-political life
so they will become a part of majority of society (Bahujan Samaj)
and hence they will no more remain a minority”. He added.
A last session in the series of awakening sessions organized
in the convention was on the quest of Indus Valley Civilization.
In this session Dr K.M. Maitre (Humpy University, Karnataka),
Mr G.L. Bhagat (Rtd. Commissioner Income Tax, Mumbai) and Dr.
Naval Viyogi, a renowned Historian from Punjab, participated
in the discussion. Mr S.F. Gangawane (National Pracharak, BAMCEF)
presided over the session. In his concluding remarks it was
made crystal clear that the creators of the Indus Valley Civilization
were the indigenous (aboriginals/ original inhabitants) and
not the alien Arya Brahmans.
On the last day of convention three delegate
sessions were organized. In the first session the leaders of
off shoot organization of BAMCEF appraise their efforts and
unfolded their plans for launching a mass movement in near future
to fight out all the issues concern with Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj.
They were Dr P.D. Satya Pal (National President BAMCEF Teacher’s
Wing). Mr Dhananjay Zakarde (National President Mulniwasi Culture
and Literature Sangh), Dr. Deepa Sravasti (CEC member, Mulniwasi
Mahila Sangh) Mr. U.N. Shingade (National President BAMCEF Pensioners’
Sangh) Ms. Suman Tirpude ( National President BAMCEF women’s
wing), Er. Ashish Jiwane (Co-ordinator, Middle East International
Network of BAMCEF). The session was presided over by Mr. B.D.
Borkar. He clarified all the doubts related to launching of
mass movement by BAMCEF at the earliest.
5000 delegates from 300 districts of 28 states
participated in this convention. All the arrangements for them
were made in the Sant Raidas Nagar Campus specially designed
and built for the purpose.
On the last day of the convention it was seen that the energizing
debates and discussions had left a sense of exhilaration and
motivation amongst the delegates. Most of them vowed to take
up the task of launching mass movement in near future as it
is on first priority list of the organization. Thus this 26th
national convention was noted as an unprecedented grand success
by the cadres and the observers.
Posted on January 26, 2010 |
Singh Salhan
President Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Sydney
Baba Sahib Dr.B. R. Ambedkar's
death anniversary was commemorated in Sydney by BAMCEF international.
All the speakers talked about Dr. Ambedkar's mission. Mian speaker
Mr. N. A. Giakwad explained Baba Sahib's principle of EDUCATE
EGITATE, ORGANISE.President of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Sydney
Mr. Harjit Singh Salhan said Baba Sahib dedicated his whole
life for the uplift of the Dalits and the down trodden depressed
classes of India. He appealed International Dalit community
to fulfill Dr Ambedkar ' mission because we have more resources
and freedom. We can propagate his mission of humanity at international
level. The other speakers were Mr. Sham Lal, Mr. Gian Banga,
Mr. Rama Kant, Mr. Narinder Rahl and 8 year old girl Muskan
All the participants pay tribute to the revolutionary leader
of India by observing silence for a minute. Mr. Mandeep Rattan
organized a documentary about Dr. Ambedkar's life for the audience.
At the end Mr. Baljinder Rattan thanked all participants.
on December 7, 2009 |
Date & Day Saturday 28 November 2009
Venue:- AMBEDKAR CENTRE SOUTHALL 12 Featherstone Road,
Southall, Middx. UB2 5AA UK.Chief Guest Speaker Dr. Manisha
Bangar |
Inaugural Session: Welcoming the Chief Guest
14.00 Welcome Address by Chairperson of Organizing Committee
MR.GAUTAM CHAKRAVARTHY (Entrepreneur and Senior Phule
Ambedkarite activist
14.10 Purpose and need of International network of BAMCEF-
for the liberation
of Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj
MR.NIRANJAN WAGHMARE (Senior Software Consultant, London,
14.25 Upsurge of Brahmanism in Indian Politics, How to
halt it?
MR RAVINDRA LAGADE (Software Consultant, London,UK)
14.40 The systematic destruction of BAHUJAN Revolutionary
Saints movement in India
MR HARBANS LAL VIRDEE (President, UK Buddhist Association
,London UK)
14.55 Role of NRI women in advancing and strengthening
Phule Ambedkarite
Struggle to liberate the Mulniwasi Bahujan Samaj.
MRS VANDANA APPRANTI (Senior Phule Ambedkarite Activist,
Need for NRIS to develop brotherhood based on Common Identity,
and Common
Culture to counter rising caste consciousness
MR SHRIKANT BORKAR (Phd Research Scholar and BAMCEF Activist-UK)
How NRI youth can be educated to our forefathers on going
struggle of our
Ancestors to stop assimilation into Hinduism the Braminical
MR RAHUL INGOLE (Software Consultant , UK)
15.45 Speech by Honorable Guest Speaker
Dr. MANISHA BANGAR, National President, Mulnivasi Mahila
Sangh (BAMCEF)
16.45 CONCLUSION-Heralding a New Era
17.10 Questions and Answer Session- Queries will be answered
17.40 Vote of thanks
Shiv Kumar
M S Bahal 07714 324 223 C Gautam 07956 918 053
H L Virdee 07956 217 808 Vandana Apranti 07877 335 923
Hari Chawala 07983 475 452 Rahul Ingole 07545 276 936
manisha r
Posted on November 26, 2009
451,Bediapara Lane, Kolkata- 700077
Phone No. (033)28720195 Mb: 9831616844.e.mail: ambedkarmision@yahoo.co.in
Sub:- National Seminar on the issues of SC/ST/OBC
& Minorities.
I on behalf of the above Organization would
like to inform you that a Meeting of BAMCEF{The All India
Backward (SC/ST/OBC) & Minorities Employees Federation}
will be held on 29.11.2009, Sunday from 10 AM to 6 PM at Bharat
Shava Hall / Indian Association Hall, 62, B.B. Ganguly Street,
Kolkata-12(Near Central Metro Station) and inaugural meeting
will be held on 28.11.09 Saturday, 2009 from 10 AM to 6.00
PM at Janaki Sundrari Rakhit Primary School, Nutan Bazar,
Dum Dum Cantonment. All are requested to attend in the said
meeting. It is worthwhile to mention that it is not an employees
association but Association for all Dalit Mulnivasi Peoples
of India and discussion will be held about the grievances
of SC/ST/OBC & Minorities. The seminar has been specially
designed for the NGOs and social workers who are involved
in the development work for poor Dalits. Many distinguished
guests and social workers will be present and widespread discussion
will be held on several issues concerning development of Dalit
peoples in India. A mammoth gathering will take education
through this seminar. Peoples of the local areas are also
very much enthusiastic about this seminar. All are cordially
invited in the said Sammelon.
Please attend in the Seminar alongwith your
friends and colleagues. A line of confirmation may be issued
at the earliest please.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
President, bamcef BjnD
By Ambedkar Mission"Posted
on November 26, 2009
Sahitya Sammelon will be held on 25.12.09 and 26.12.09
at Vill: Charanpur-Mejhiaber, PS. Barabani, Asansole,
Distt. Burdwan, Fooding and lodging are free. All are
requested to attend in the said programme. |
Full Name & Address, Phone number : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Occupation :---------------------------Name of institution (if working) & Designation : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constitutional Identity : SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Others
- Do you have any information regarding the Women Reservation Bill (WRB) (Legislative)? Yes/No
- In the parliament and legislatures do you think that 33% reservation for women is adequate? Yes/No
- Are you of the opinion that for adequate representation in Parliament and Legislature 50% reservation for women is required? Yes/No
- Do women in India get equal opportunity in every sphere of life and development? Yes/No
- Do you think that by passing the Women Reservation Bill, all women
in this country will get equal opportunity in all the spheres of development? Yes/No
- Are you aware that WRB does not give representation to the Mulnivasi women (SC/ST/OBC/Minorities)? Yes/No
- What is the total population percentage of women in India? Yes/No
50% (50 crore) 33% (33 crore) 20% (20 crore)
- What is the percentage of population of Mulnivasi women in India out of the total women population in India? Yes/No
85% (43 crore) 33% (20 crore) 20% (15 crore)
- If Women constitute 50% of the population should not women be given 50% representation in the Parliament & Legislature? Yes/No
- If Mulnivasi women constitute 85% of the total women population, should not 85% of seats be represented by Mulnivasi women? Yes/No
- Should women participate in the decision making process of this country? Yes/No
- The motive behind getting the WRB passed is to increase the participation of women in decision making process of the country? Yes/No
- The real motive behind the WRB is to decrease the representation of SC/ST/OBC and increase the representation of upper castes in the Parliament and Legislature by gaining the sympathy of women? Yes/No
- Are you aware that there is no provision for the representation of SC/ST/OBC women in the 33% seats? Yes/No
- Is anybody (social organization/political party) opposing the bill for the reason that there is no representation given to SC/ST/OBC women? Yes/No
- According to the Panchayat Raj Act is there provision for representation of SC/ST/OBC women in the Panchayat? Yes/No
- Are you of the confirmed opinion that the women elected in Panchayat are able to participate in the decision making process? Yes/No
- Do you agree that women elected in panchayats due to there educational backwardness and traditional gender discrimination are mere rubber stamp representatives Yes/No
- Are you aware that SC/ST/OBC women elected in Panchayat as Sarpanch etc., have faced atrocities like removal from service, indictment in false cases, rape, public humiliation? Yes/No
- Do you consider that mere representation of women in the legislature and Parliament will remove all the prejudices and injustices against women? Yes/No
- If the Bill is passed, will it lead to overall development of all women in this country? Yes/No
- Don’t you think that if the Bill is passed in current shape (without giving representation to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities women) only the upper caste Women will benefit from the 33% reservation? Yes/No
- Should all the women in the country be made aware about the WRB? Yes/No
- Are mass awareness programmes necessary to create an awareness regarding the Bill and its implications? Yes/No
- Is a national level organization of mulnivasi women necessary to implement the principles of equal opportunity in practice and enhance the participation of women in decision making processes of the country? Yes/No
- Do you think that more important than legislative representation, the Representation of women in education, services (public and private) and Civil services is crucial to overall development of women? Yes/No
- The employed women should bear in mind that they are in service as the representation of the society from where they come and that it is then responsibility to pay back to the society? Yes/No
Posted on September 07, 2008 |
ON OCTOBER 25th & 26th, 2008 IN MUMBAI |
- Dr. Manisha Bangar
National President, Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh
We take
pleasure in announcing that the Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh is
conducting a national level convention in the last week of
October in year 2008 in Mumbai. Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh, the women wing of
BAMCEF has been operational in major states of country (Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
Punjab, and Uttaranchal) for the past 2 years. So far, the
women activists of the Mahila Sangh having been successful
in creating mass awareness about the need for women to participate
and be an integral part of the Phule Ambedkarite movement
.In effect , women are seen actively participating in the
programmes conducted by the Mahila Sangh.
Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh is actively engaged
in building All India Organisation of Mulnivasi women (SC,
ST, OBC, converted religion groups). It seeks to provide
them a platform where they can collectively analyse, articulate
relevant issues and problems. It is vibrant forums which
allows them to and solve their problems on their own strength
from the perspective of Phule-Ambedkarite Ideology.
Its goal is to harness the energy and the
indomitable spirit the Mulnivasi women towards building
Mulniwasi Bharat Rashtra based on the principles of Equality
Liberty and Fraternity to create a just society for their
future generation.
The Mulniwasi women are carrying forward
the legacy of the ideals of our forefathers and the great
Mulnivasi culture. They are the embodiment of resilence,
and courage. Their capacity to face adversities, especially
those emanating from the inequitous educational-socio-cultural
milieu of this country stands unparalled in the entire world.
However this image of their persona is not known to them.
There real identity remains hidden and suppressed behind
the distorted image of woman created by the Brahmanical
culture. The Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh strives to restore her
real identity, her real culture, her true rationalist free
thinking spirit (devoid of any dogmas and superstitions)
and her fearlessness. This alone will empower her to shun
away the enslaving life she is leading and create a better
world for herself, her children, her family and the society.
All Mulnivasi Women are sufferers of the
three tier oppression of caste system, poverty and patriarchy.
But the solidarity of Mulnivasi women has received a rude
shock from the unjust Brahmanical social order. They now
stand divided into many castes, and as closed groups distanced
from their co-sufferers. But essentially the problems of
the ST, SC, and OBC women are same; the severity (of the
problem) depends upon their position in the caste ladder
The ST women (at the most bottom rung) are
worst sufferers of inhuman indignities. Hunger, disease,
starvation, is the way of life for them and their children.
Mass trafficking, prostitution, homelessness & depraved
existence on streets is the norm.
The status of SC women is no different either.
The attachment of notion of impurity to their being and
their emergence as a group resisting oppressive forces of
patriarchy and caste has exposed them and their children
to unimaginable atrocities and ignominies. The once warrior
clan women have been reduced to the level of animal and
no better.
The situation of OBC and MBC women is even
more pathetic. Even when SC and ST women are seen sporadically
putting a brave front and releasing themselves from the
shackles of bondage, the OBC women stand totally unaware
of the enslavement in the Brahmanical thought and culture.
Not knowing the real nature and cause of their oppression
they cling to and strengthen the Brahmanical system. Merged
in deep slumber they are oblivious of the dangers of the
present time. In absence of a strong movement in the OBC
groups they are directionless and out of pale of education,
employment, a dignified living and future for their childrens
seems bleak.
The National statistics (National Sample
Survey) shows that in villages the OBC and MBC women, are
devoid of land and any source of income, they are in huge
debt and their men are being driven away to suicide. In
each and every “basti” of cities, the OBC and
MBC women live in abject poverty surrounded by filth, squalor
and are engaged in most low paying jobs and flesh trade.
In stark contrast, all talks regarding the
progress of women in this country, their ever increasing
participation in education field their presence in art,
culture and jobs which earlier were the preserve of men
pertains to upper caste women only. It is only the upper
caste women who have greatly benefited in the last 60 years.
The mulnivasi women are nowhere near them. There is a clear
cut demarcation line between the upper caste women and mulnivasi
women. The former under the garb of women unity and feminism
are out to fool and use mulnivasi women for their own caste
interests. They try to keep the Brahmanical system alive
and have never revolted against the system. Instead they
have engaged themselves in all superfluous, superficial,
rehabilitative activities, akin to striking a stick on placid
water which only creates a few ripples, never going to the
root cause of caste system and patriarchy. The upper caste
women have never risen in revolt against Brahmanism. Hence
we do not seek their support or participation but believe
in creating our own strength.
It is true that the greatness of any nation
can be gauged by the status of the women. If this principle
is applied to India, Indian society cannot qualify as being
a civilized progressive society. The status of women is
so pitiable that the Indian society can aptly be labeled
as primitive society. Whereas in the Constitution of India
provision for upliftment of women are made in article 15(39)
it is seen that the spirit of the Constitution is not reflected
in the society.
Since 1950 (after the transfer of power
from British to Congress) 60 yrs have lapsed but there is
a rapid downfall in the position of women.
The percentage of Mulnivasi women reaching
up to higher education is a dismal 5%. The drop out rate
from school is as high as 60%. They are grossly under-represented
in the job sector. They form the most unorganized sector.
They are nutritionally malnourished and anaemic. In absence
of nourishment they are inflicted with many diseases. One
in every 10 child in their family dies of want for low cost
treatment. The health related expenditure of their family
is second most common cause of debt and 70% of the families
of Mulnivasi women cannot afford treatment for their children.
This state of affairs spells betrayal of
the Constitution by the people whose responsibility it is
to see that it is implemented in letter and spirit. The
mulnivasi women are victims of callous indifferent and hateful
attitude of upper castes who are in power in politics, economic
and religious sphere.
Matriarchial system was the way of life
in Mulnivasi culture before the invading Aryans (Brahmins,
Kshatriyas, Vaishyas) destroyed it systematically by adopting
methods of coercion, by instilling fear, by creating legends
and by declaring it as word of God.
Both the instruments of suppression i.e.,
caste system and patriarchy (male domination) has its origin
in Brahmanical tradition, festivals, stories, epics, legends
and most importantly the scriptures right from Vedas to
the Puranas, which are held, sacred by the women. Sacredness
prevents revaluation of its value, once sacred - always
sacred and this phenomenon has lead to the perpetuation
of the abominable system.
Not aware of the real nature and motive
of religion and traditional notions, Mulnivasi women out
of there ignorance are seen to be clinging, strengthening
and preserving the very system which degrades them.
The ignorance of Mulnivasi women has to
be removed. Our renaissance leaders like Jyotiba Phule,
Savitri bai Phule, Periyar Ramasami, Narayan Guru and Babasaheb
Ambedkar all strived and struggled their entire lives to
remove the ignorance. But a lot more has to be done. The
magnitude of the problem is of such proportions that the
efforts are highly inadequate. To come out of the despondency
and dependence a nationwide movement of the mulnivasi women
along side the existing Phule-Ambedkarite movement run by
BAMCEF is required.
The National Convention will prove be a
milestone in the history of struggles of Mulnivasi women.
It is for the first time since 1950 that SC, ST, OBC women
will be coming together as a united force. It will blow
the bugle of emancipation of Mulnivasi women. It will herald
a new era.
The Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh activists are
already working in areas of education and creating awareness
on relevant issues. However a Nationwide Campaign will be
launched to address the following issues urgently.
- Free and compulsory education
to Mulnivasi women upto graduation and higher budgetary
allocation for education in the Annual Budget. Privatisation
of education has affected the Mulniwasi Bahujan Samaj the
most. It will not be surprising that if left unfettered
the next generation will be largely illiterate. The activists
will establish mass public contact to pressurize State and
Central Government to implement various schemes and programmes
throughout the country.
- Free Health Services:
It is the responsibility of any welfare state to make health
care affordable and mostly free. On the contrary, it is
seen that India’s health care system is the most privatized
in the entire world (78%). The state funds only 2% of the
health expenditure. Corporation funding is a mere 3% and
NGO funds only 0.3%. Rest comes directly from the citizens.
Instead of strengthening the Public Health System, Government
Hospitals and Medical Colleges, the Govt is allowing a free
hand to the corporate sector. For eg: In Andhra Pradesh
the Congress Government under the project -Rajiv Gandhi
Arogya Shree is giving money from government treasury to
all corporate hospitals. We will expose these ruthless and
merciless power brokers and create a mass awareness. The
doctors and health professionals from Mulnivasi Bahujan
Samaj will be actively working on this front to strength
Health care system & ensure good health in all stages
of life from birth till old age.
- Movement against SEZ:
Cleverly camouflaged under the term “economic development”,
the SEZ’s are virtually proving to be “special
elimination zones’ – eliminating the
lives of Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj. Large amount of fertile
cultivable land - the only source of livelihood, is forcibly
been taken away from Mulnivasi Bahujan Society. The Mulnivasi
women and the children are starving and men being led to
suicides. The same land is given away at throw away prices
to real estate owners and pseudo industrialist as lease
for a life time. Employment is provided to handful as daily
wage earners adopting the “hire and fire” policy
with no food or financial security. Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh
will actively participate in staging protests against the
SEZ all over the country.
- Women Reservation Bill:
The bill is a clearcut conspiracy by the upper castes and
their political parties to usurp 33% seats (i.e 81 seats
out of total 543 parliament seats) by filling upper castes
women in these seats. Surprisingly even the Left Front which
proclaims to be working for the masses is against giving
any representation to the Mulniwasi women. We will awaken
the public in this regard and expose the poisonous fangs
of the so called “progressive men and women”
from various organizations, and parties.
Conference Secretary – Preethi Wasnik- 09290591468
Posted on August 21, 2008 |