The memorandum presented by Ad-Dharam
Mandal, Punjab on 12-10-1929,
to His Excellency Sir Geoffrey Fitzhervey De Montmorency,
the then Governor of Punjab. This was the first attempt
for the amelioration of the lot
of down trodden Community and has been rightly hailed as
the "Manga Carta" in the historic struggle for
eradication of untouchability and inequality.
it please your Excellency,
the members of the Ad-Dharam Mandal Punjab, Jullundur City
are the representatives of down trodden community comprising
of three Million souls in the Punjab, and seventy million
in the whole of India, who are disgracefully called the
"Shudars" or untouchables. Your Excellency may
be aware that we belong to an ancient race which ruled India
about 5,000 year ago, prior to the invasion of India by
the Aryans. These bands of outsider from central Asia reigned
India, and defeated our forefathers, the latter were ruthlessly
treated, they were foreign cruel masters in a way which
spoke volumes of the barbarous mentality of the so called
"Civilized Aryans." The rest of the conquered
race, who due to their self respect, refused to be enslaved
were driven away to take shelter in the jungles. The Aryans
whose present descendants are called high class Hindus,
have all along been treating us with the most inhuman brutality
so that our unlucky community numerically large as it is,
now little mere name. In spite of the fact that there are
some highly educated and capable men in our community still
we are not given any honourable status in the society. No
right of ownership of any thing, vests in us, even we have
not the right to safe-guard our individual lives. The deplorable
condition of the mute millions of our oppressed community
is due to harsh treatment meted out to us by the High class
Hindus in consequence of the 'August' pronouncement of the
ancient Aryans which are embodied in the Manu Smiriti and
lot of other Hindu scriptures of that type. Your Excellency
will be amazed to learn that scriptures of the so called
religion are replete with the sayings such as that we the
Ad Dharmies have been created to serve the high class Hindus,
that we have no right to hold any property, that even our
wanton murder by a high class Hindu involves him in no difficulty,
etc. All our demands have been willfully suppressed by the
High class Hindus and all our attempts at ameliorating our
condition have been deliberately trampled upon. We therefore
beg to submit the position and demands of our community,
which we venture to hope, will receive adequate consideration
at your hands. We are sorry to say that the Hindu officials
who appropriated all our rights and privileges have not
done any justice to us. All the dealings of the Government
with the Hindus mean with the high class Hindus only, with
the result that our grievances can not reach the government.
It would be no exaggeration to say that the reforms given
to the Hindus have been so given to the high class Hindus
only. This being so, we are now under two Governments, the
high class Hindus Government and the present British Government.
to the predominance of the Muslims there is less untouchability
in this province, as compared with other provinces but as
regards political condition we are not a bit better than
the worst untouchables of other Provinces, but we are in
the worst condition from the political point of view. Not
even a single member of our community has ever been nominated
to the local legislative or to any local body although in
other provinces such nomination, have been made by the Government
to the extent of seats ranging between 1 to 11 in local
legislatives. The present system of electorate can not be
of any use to us because the high class Hindus are steeped
with caste prejudices. Therefore the only method open to
us should be separate electorate where in our political
social and even moral salvation life.
position can be briefly described as follows:-
(1) that our community consists of about there Millions
in the Punjab, and about seventy million in whole of India.
(2) That comparatively speaking we are the most backward
people in the Punjab as regard education public service,
social position etc. (3) That we do not believe in the Hindu
religion, nor do we hold it in high esteem, therefore, we
do not wish to call our selves Hindus but we the all untouchables
of different classes being the ancient population of India
wish to be called "Ad Dharmies" and in the next
coming census we should write Ad-Dharmies." (4) We
do not desire to keep any close social or political contact
with the high caste Hindus, who think that they are polluted
by our mere touch or even by casting of our shadow on them,
though they endeavour to count us with them so that they
may enjoy greater rights at our expense. So this aspect
of our position can be remedied by our following petty demands.
DEMANDS: (1) Necessary arrangements for better
education of Ad Dharmies (untouchables) boys and girls and
national scholarship should be separately given to them
and introduction of free primary education. (2) Separate
representation, in all public bodies and legislature, selected
by the communities of our Mandal. (3) A minister our province.
(4) Equal rights of ownership of any property of dwelling
houses and common fields as enjoyed by other communities.
(5) Equal rights of using all District Board public wells,
as enjoyed by other communities. (6) Proscription of Manu
Smiriti and all like Hindu scriptures in which contemptuous
mentions have been made of our race and community. (7) Any
mention of us by name of Shudra should be strictly forbidden.
(8) Share in all public services including police, civil,
military, railway, education, and medical departments etc.
(9) in our caste 60 % do the work of agriculture with the
agriculturists but they give very meager share to the poor
untouchables and we hear that there are 15187200 acres of
uncultivated land in the hand of the Punjab Government.
Therefore, land in the colonies should be reserved for us
in the same way as it has been done, for other communities.
(10) The Punjab Alienation Act has made us so weak that
the people of other communities forcibly make us to their
services in return of living to the houses built on their
land, because we can not buy any land, even for our houses
under the Punjab Alienation Act of 1909 A. D. therefore
this Act should be repealed. (11) Although there are two
Acts passed by the Government to prevent the forced labour
(Baigar) yet the officials do not care for these Acts and
they forcibly make us serve them without any payment. The
Government should proclaim the forbidding of all sorts of
forced labour (Baigar). (12) There is criminal blame upon
our community, while we are free from every crime therefore
this blame should be wiped off. The national presumption
of innocence should attach to Ad-Dharmies as well. (13)
Permission should be given to us to go to the foreign countries,
as our condition is very poor. (14) We want to call our
selves Ad Dharmies while the other communities especially
Hindus do not like it and they try their best to prevent
us from doing so, and make us call our selves by the same
hateful word (Shudra) by troubling us in every possible
way. Therefore a committee should be appointed by the Government
from our community to settle these matters. In the name
of humanity and the British sense of justice we beseech
you to take such steps as you deem necessary so that our
vast community may no longer be denied the natural rights
of citizens of British Empire, and be not left at the mercy
of the Hindu Tyrants.
you in anticipation.
We have the Honour to be Sir
Your Excellency's most obedient servants
Members & Managing Community of the Ad-Dharam
Mandal of the Punjab, Jullundur City.
Memorandum of Ad Dharam Mandal Punjab-1929 (
Posted: on October 12, 2011) |
The site is updated with the 2011 Election results. Please check
out Sabha's site :
You can click to view and download the results online. Also could
you or anyone please provide me with the complete information about
the new Executive Committee exactly the way we did it last time
as shown in the page link
Vikram Sohpaul
Software Developer Analyst, Project Delivery, British Columbia
Securities Commission, Direct: 604.899.6786, Email: |
Kumar Chumber (Editor: |
The Ad Dharm movement,
the glorious Dalit movement that not only envisaged an egalitarian
social set-up but also struggled hard for the same, was founded
formely on June 11-12, 1926 in village Muggowal near Mahilpur (Hoshiarpur)
under the dynamic leadership of Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia, a famous
Gadhrite. Sarva-shri Basant Rai, Thakur Dass and Shudranand were
the equally powerful other lieutenants of the Ad Dharm movement.
However, when it comes to the brass stack, it was Babu Mangu Ram
Mugowalia who emerged as the leading star of the movement.
Ad Dharm is a name of the indigenous religion
of the Dalits of the region who are the natives of this land (India).
The invading Aryans subjugated them and established their rule over
the natives. They see to it that the culture and religion of the
natives had to be wiped out fully so that they could not stage a
revolt. Mangu Ram Mugowalia thought it appropriate to relocate the
lost native religion in order to re-establish sovereign Dalit Raj
once again. He named his movement deliberately after the name of
the religion of the natives: Ad Dharm. Thus Ad Dharm is both 'Religion'
as well as 'Movement'.
Babu Mangu Ram Muggowalia made concerted efforts in the direction
of laying solid ground for the revival of Ad Dharm in Punjab . He
was of the opinion that if the ex-untouchables have to live a dignified
life they had to revive their gurus, religious scriptures, festivals
and religious places as well. He approached Sant Sarwan Dass Ji
Maharaj at Dera Sachkhand Ballan for concretizing the Bani of Sahib
Shri Guru Ravidass Ji Maharaj and the proliferation of his mission.
The Ad Prakash, a holy Granth containing the Bani of Sahib Shri
Guru Ravidass and other Dalit Gurus was prepared. Babu Mangu Ram
Muggowalia expressed his will among close circle that his last rites
should be performed amidst the chanting of the holy Bani of Ad Parkash.
In the Ad Dharm Mandal approach, it is clearly mentioned that every
Ad Dharmi should live his/her life according to the tenets of Ad
Dharm and should not believe in any other religion. He said our
Gurus are Guru Nam Dev Ji, Guru Ravidass Ji, Guru Kabir Ji, Guru
Valmiki Ji and all other Dalits saints. Thus Ad Dharm movement has
very early shown the vision for the establishment of a separate
Dalit identity based on distinct Dalit native religion: Ad Dharm.
by Kamlesh Ahir & posted on August 03, 2010 |
Last Saturday, over 7,000 people participated in the 3rd
Annual Shri Guru Ravidass Ji Nagar Kirtan Parade in Burnaby.
After the long weekend was kicked off by a windy storm,
some believe that it must have been divine intervention
to witness a glorious sunny day for the Nagar Kirtan parade.
The largest Nagar Kirtan parade in Burnaby’s history
was marshalled by nine individuals carrying nine special
symbolic flags which included: Canada, India, BC, Burnaby
and five honouring Shri Guru Ravidass Ji.
The Nagar Kirtan parade of followers and bystanders was
a visual delight of traditional Indian attire with ladies
glittering in bright colours marking the joyous occasion.
The atmosphere was highlighted with smiling faces; float
riders waving, loud broadcasts, singing of holy hymns, and
welcoming glances to people from all communities. “Our
Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver) Management Committee
took it as a personal mission to make this the biggest and
best Nagar Kirtan Parade in our temple’s history.
Being the first ever Canadian born president in my temple’s
history; it warmed my heart to see all communities join
us and I hope we can see thousands of more people come out
in years to come to support this festive occasion,”
says Micheal Ghirra, President, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha
No matter where you come from, what religion
you practice or what you believe in, there is something
amazing about a Nagar Kirtan parade. Participants were treated
to a sumptuous vegetarian feast which was welcomed by all
in the community with open arms. Usually an event of this
magnitude would draw a lot of litter, but not in this case.
Burnaby city officials believe this was one of the cleanliest
parades in the City of Burnaby’s history. “Thanks
to all the participants, organizers and Shri Guru Ravidass
Sabha (Vancouver) Management Committee who made this annual
event a great success; all of our hard work and dedication
paid off when we were able to see the thousands of smiling
faces in the crowd,” says Micheal Ghirra, President,
Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver).
Special thanks to all the politicians and
local dignitaries who walked with the Nagar Kirtan procession.
The weekend of events Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver)
concluded with a bhog ceremony that was attended by over
2000 people at the akhand path on Sunday. Record crowds
are expected in Vancouver and Surrey for their Nagar Kirtans
coming up in the next few weeks.
For more information, please contact Micheal
Ghirra, President, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver)
Thank you,
Micheal Ghirra
The President, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver)
Posted on April 09, 2010 |
Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha of New York (USA)
click here  |
Forwarded by C. L. Chumber |
III. Depressed Classes in the Punjab
11. In connection with the population figure for the depressed classes given in the census of 1931 I wish to draw attention to two facts:
(1) The population of those who caused pollution by touch was according to the census of 1911, 2-8 millions while in the census of 1931 the population of untouchables is given as amounting to 1.3 millions.
(2) The census of 1911 gives a list of 23 castes which are deemed to cause pollution by touch. The census of 1931 mentions only castes as forming the untouchable population in the Punjab. 12. Why the total population of the untouchables and the list of castes included in that category should have shrunk so much between 1911 and 1931 l am not able to ascertain. It is however necessary to state that among the untouchables of Punjab there has been going on for some years past a strong movement called the Ad-Dharm movement the object of which is to separate from the Hindu fold and form themselves into a distinct community under the new name of Ad-Dharmis. Such has been the strength of the movement that the untouchables decided to return themselves as Ad-Dharmis instead of Hindus in the census of 1931, and the Government gave recognition to this feeling and allowed the Census Superintendent of Punjab to open a new category of Ad-Dharmis.This led in some parts of the Punjab to riots between the Hindus and the untouchables. As a result the untouchables in some parts returned themselves simply as Ad-Dharmis without mentioning their respective castes, and in other parts where they were prevented from doing so returned themselves as Hindus under their caste names. I am mentioning these facts to show that the difficulties created in the enumeration of the untouchables and which are admitted by the Government of Punjab may be responsible for this shrinkage in the number and list of untouchables in the Punjab. The matter therefore requires to be carefully looked into.:
Posted on July 24, 2009 |

Left Sant Amar Dass Ji & right Sant Amar Dass was honored by
Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Bay Area (California) during his last visit to United States |
pays floral tribute to Sant Baba Amar Dass Ji of Dera Baba Kalran
Wale (Sherpur Dhakkon near Mahilpur, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab
) who left for his heavenly abode on July 17, 2009 . Sant Baba Amar
Dass was a great soul who dedicated his entire life for the spiritual
uplift of the community. He used to greet every one with Jai Guru
Dev, greetings coined during the Ad Dharm movement of Babu Mangoo
Ram Mugowalia. Baba Ji holy personality won him a huge followings
in Doaba Punjab. Many of his sevaks settled in North America and
Europe . We join all the Followers of Baba Amar Dass Ji in paying
floral tribute to the departed holy soul.
Prem Chumber (Editor-in-Chief)
Posted on July 19, 2009 |
Prem Kumar Chumber
The Ad Dharm movement,
the glorious Dalit movement that not only envisaged an egalitarian
social set-up but also struggled hard for the same, was founded
formely on June 11-12, 1926 in village Muggowal near Mahilpur (Hoshiarpur)
under the dynamic leadership of Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia, a famous
Gadhrite. Sarva-shri Basant Rai, Thakur Dass and Shudranand were
the equally powerful other lieutenants of the Ad Dharm movement.
However, when it comes to the brass stack, it was Babu Mangu Ram
Mugowalia who emerged as the leading star of the movement.
Ad Dharm is a name of the indigenous religion
of the Dalits of the region who are the natives of this land (India).
The invading Aryans subjugated them and established their rule over
the natives. They see to it that the culture and religion of the
natives had to be wiped out fully so that they could not stage a
revolt. Mangu Ram Mugowalia thought it appropriate to relocate the
lost native religion in order to re-establish sovereign Dalit Raj
once again. He named his movement deliberately after the name of
the religion of the natives: Ad Dharm. Thus Ad Dharm is both 'Religion'
as well as 'Movement'.
Babu Mangu Ram Muggowalia made concerted efforts in the direction
of laying solid ground for the revival of Ad Dharm in Punjab . He
was of the opinion that if the ex-untouchables have to live a dignified
life they had to revive their gurus, religious scriptures, festivals
and religious places as well. He approached Sant Sarwan Dass Ji
Maharaj at Dera Sachkhand Ballan for concretizing the Bani of Sahib
Shri Guru Ravidass Ji Maharaj and the proliferation of his mission.
The Ad Prakash, a holy Granth containing the Bani of Sahib Shri
Guru Ravidass and other Dalit Gurus was prepared. Babu Mangu Ram
Muggowalia expressed his will among close circle that his last rites
should be performed amidst the chanting of the holy Bani of Ad Parkash.
In the Ad Dharm Mandal approach, it is clearly mentioned that every
Ad Dharmi should live his/her life according to the tenets of Ad
Dharm and should not believe in any other religion. He said our
Gurus are Guru Nam Dev Ji, Guru Ravidass Ji, Guru Kabir Ji, Guru
Valmiki Ji and all other Dalits saints. Thus Ad Dharm movement has
very early shown the vision for the establishment of a separate
Dalit identity based on distinct Dalit native religion: Ad Dharm.
Posted on June
12, 2009 |
Sant Rama Nand Ji was visiting Vienna Austria for the spreading massage of Guru Ravidass Ji.Sant also visited Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Vancouver in the past . He had great respect in the Ravidassia community in Canada. We ( Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Vancouver ) condemn this act of terrorism on humanity.
Sant Rama Nand, 57, who headed Dera Sach Khand Ballan near Jalandhar, succumbed to his injuries Monday in a hospital after he was attacked by a group of knife-wielding Sikhs inside Guru Ravidass Sabha in Vienna.
The two preachers were in Vienna to participate in annual celebrations of Ravidassia sect founder and 14th century mystic saint Guru Ravidass.
The sect's top leader, Sant Niranjan Dass, 68, and many others were also injured in the attack.
Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Vancouver will observe this day (may 24 ) as martyr’s day to pay respect to this sant.
Thank you!
Dr. Varinder Dabri
Posted on June 01, 2009 |
Buddhism |
Editor's mail
What type of presence does Ad-Dharm have in America I am very interested in it, as I find the work of both Ravidas and Kabir to be inspiring. I also have great respect for Dr. Ambedkar's perspective on Buddhism. It is refreshing. How compatible is Ad-Dharm with Navayana Buddhism? I do think Ad-Dharm and Navayana Buddhism have a particularly refreshing quality, and being tied to the Dalit Culture, they represent the heart of India . I live in California , and we have plenty of Hinduism but virtually no liberating Dalit Spirituality which actively engages the world for positive change. What is in the southern California area ?
Michael Johnson
Thanks for visiting the website and having interest in the work of Guru Ravidass, Satguru Kabir, Dr. Ambedkar, Budhisim and Ad Dharm. Right now I can suggest you to read Eva-Maria Hardtmann, The Dalit Movement in India: Local Practices, Global Connections, Oxford University Pess, 2009, especially pp. 168-183. Once again thanks and please keep in touch.
Prem Chumber
Posted on May 14, 2009 |
Madhobalvira (Italy) |
Today is a very sad day for Ad Dharmi Qaum, because we lost our great warrior Sahib Baba Mangu Ram Mugowalia Jee founder of the Ad-Dharm Movement in Punjab . I, really and heartily, pay my homage in the feet of Great Ghadri Baba Mangu Ram Mugowalia Jee's 29th death anniversary day and I would request to all those who are real lover of Ad Dharm, come out from any arrogant, cruel discriminator and brute-slaughters of our ancestors.
Dalits should follow the teachings of Baba Mangu Ram Mugowalia Jee and try to apply his indicated Ad Parkash Granth, which is still unseen by Ad-Dharmi Samaj (See and trust and follow Ad-Dharm Mandal's report). It is a very shame for us if we don’t follow teachings of Baba Mangu Ram Mugowalia Jee and still not applied.
I think this will be a real tribute to Baba Sahib Ambedkar and Baba sahib Mangu Ram Mugowalia Jee, if we try to understand well and follow his effective teaching to the Ad-Dharmi Qaum. In the last, I congratulate to Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber Jee editor of who is spreading our great masters's teachings and connecting our Dalits’s views from far counteries which is really admirable for Dalits to awake.
Jai Bheem! Jai Baba Mangu Ram Jee!! Glory to his sacrifice and teachings
Posted on May 14, 2009 |
Mr. Malkit Singh (Chairman), Mr. Santokh Singh Narr (President), Mr. Prem Sodhi (Vice President), Mr. Des Raj Bangar (Stage Secretary), Mr. Parmood Loi (General Secretary), and Mr. Khiali Ram (Treasurer) were unanimously selected as the members of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha, Fresno (Central Valley) California on May 10th, 2009.
Posted on May 14, 2009 |
First time Sahib Shri Guru Ravidass Maharaj Ji’s birth anniversary Celebrated in the Canadian Parliament (Hill Ottawa, Canada) on March 24 2009. The members of Canadian Parliaments and other community members are Gurbax Singh Malhi , Ujjal Dosanjh , Stephane Dion , Sukh Dhaliwal , Kristy Duncan , Justin Trudeau, And high Commissioner of India Ottawa Canada Mr. S. M. Gawai. Program was organized by Shri Guru Ravidass International
Organisation for human Rights. People came from all over the world such as England, Italy, India, and different part of Canada, Montreal, Vancouver Calgary, and Toronto etc. More than 200 people were present for the birth anniversary celebration. Please follow the details regarding this in the following coming newspaper Ambedkar Times.
Posted on May 07, 2009 |

The members of the Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Pittsburg (California)
and International Bahujan Organization with the first issue of "AMBEDKAR TIMES" News Paper.
Dear Editor Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber,
Many congratulations and best wishes to launch this missionary newspaper under the name of our emancipator and messiah Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who said a great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society.
"Whatever I have done, I have been able to do after passing through crushing miseries and endless struggle all my life and fighting with my opponents. With great difficulty I have brought this caravan where it is seen today. Let the caravan march on despite the hurdles that may come in its way. If my lieutenants are not able to take the caravan ahead they should leave it there, but in no circumstances should they allow the caravan to go back. This is the message to my people."
Thank you for taking such a big responsibility on your shoulders to launch this newspaper and we wish you all the success in the upcoming editions of Ambedkar Times.
Dashvinder Paul
Posted on April 6, 2009

Above, Launching Ambedkar Times newspaper at Shri Guru Ravidass Temple Fresno (Ca)
(Left) S. Gian Singh Sandhu releasing the copy of "Adi-Dharam Mandal Report 1931 AD", (Middle) S. Gian Singh Sandhu addressing the audience (Right) Mr. C. L. Chumber addressing the audience on 12th June, 2000.
All three photos: Copy Right C. L. Chumber: |
S. Gian Singh Sandhu IAS passed away at Chandigarh who belonged to village Allahabad (Hoshiarpur). He released the Punjabi version of "Adi-Dharam Mandal Report 1931 AD" on 12th June, 2000, written by Ghaddri Baba Mangu Ram Muggowalia founder of Ad Dharm Mandal Punjab and translated by Mr. C. L. Chumber Ex Tehsil Welfare Officer & chief editor of monthly journal "Kaumi Udarian" Punjabi/Hindi/English.
Ambedkartimes pays floral tributes to S. Gian Singh Sandhu IAS and sends condolences to his family and fellow missionaries on their biggest loss.
Editor:Ambedkartimes Group
Posted on March 04, 2009
On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 8:58 AM, C.L. CHUMBER <> wrote:
S. Gian Singh Sandhu IAS former Deputy Commisioner, Kapurthala expired on 3rd March, 2009. He was born on 1st May, 1936 at village Gilotra wali Tehsil Channot district Jhang (now in Pakistan). S. Ujagar Singh Sandhu and Bibi Karam Kaur were his parents .He did his primary education from A.S. High School, Mukerian district Hoshiarpur and higher study in DAV College , Hoshiarpur .He was selected PCS and promoted to IAS . He was PCS ( C ) / SDM at Garhshankar ( Hoshiarpur ), Anandpur Saheb ( Ropar ),Jagraon ( Ludhiana ) and Mansa ( Bathinda ) .He was also Commissioner , Municipal Corporation , Amritsar and Joint Secretary , Education , Punjab .He retired as Deputy Commissioner , Kapurthala on 30 May 1994.
He was a multi facet personality .He was a good writer and wrote about one dozen books in Punjabi .He wrote songs which were recorded in the voice of the prominent singers of Punjab .He also performed presentations as a folk singer in the Paryag Sangit Akademy, Allahabad ( U.P. ) and DAV College , Hoshiarpur ( Punjab ) .He was the chief guest of the Adi-Dharam Mandal Platinum Jubilee function celebrated at the Desh Bhagat Yaadgar Hall, Jalandhar City on 12th June , 2000 organised by myself .He released the Punjabi version of "Adi-Dharam Mandal Report 1931 AD" on 12th June, 2000, written by Ghaddri Baba Mangu Ram Muggowalia founder of Ad Dharm Mandal Punjab and translated by myself .
We share grief with his wife Mrs. Amarjit Kaur , his son Mr. Karamvir Singh Sahota ( Canada ) and his family , his daughter Mrs. Punit Kaur and his husband Mr. Iqbalprit Singh Sahota IPS , IG , Punjab police boarder range , Amritsar , his daughter Mrs. Navnit Kaur and his husband Mr. Bhupinder Singh PCS , regional transport authority and deputy director , Local self government , Ferozepur and his friends , admirers and remaining relatives.
His Antim Ardas is being performed at the Shri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdawara, Phase 1, Mohali adjacent Chandigarh on 8th March, 2009 in between 12 noon to 1:00 p.m
Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Toronto (Burlington) celebrated 632nd Guru Ravidass Maharaj Gurpurb on February 15th, 2009 |
Celebrations at Shri Guru Ravidass Gurudwara Sahib Burlington (Toronto)
| |