Kanshi Ram Tells Dalits
should become rulers instead of being ruled. We must not be always at
the receiving end, instead become the givers, Dalit Leader Mr. Kanshi
Ram told the world dalits. It's long we have been ruled. It is long we have been taking. Now it is time we change the destiny to rule and give, he said. Mr.
Kanshi Ram who is the Founder Prisident of Bahujan Samaj Party
delivered a key-note address at the opening of the 1st World Dalit
Convention 'A new vision towards a casteless society' at the Kuala
Lampur Mines Resort City.
The two day convention held on 10th
and 11th October 1998 was well attended by more than 700 delegates
throughout the world including famous politicians noted leaders from
dalit movement, champions of down-trodden, social reformers, renowned
economists, famous educationists and great scholars.
Malaysian Manister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Sabbaruddin Chik
officialy opened the conference which saw the opening very colourful
with Malaysian cultural and traditional dances performed by Indians,
Malays and Chinese.Mr. Kanshi Ram garlanded the Portrait of Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar while Dalit Sena President Ram Vilas Paswan
garlanded the portrait of the great Periar.
Mr. Kanshi Ram in
his speech continued to trace the history of caste and Braminical
social order. He asserted by virtue of his vast experience that
elimination of caste was impossible at this stage. He also elaborated
the very purpose of creating caste.In context of caste
oppression and justice Mr. Kanshi Ram refered the role of Dr. Ambedkar.
He commended the merit of 'Communial Award' which he achieved after a
long struggle.
Dr. Ambedkar could not sustain the going due to
the constant pressure of the mighty upper caste Hindus, Mr. Kanshi Ram
told the delegates who packed the hall.'Babasaheb Ambedkar was
able to get reservation for the oppressed in legislative houses, job opportunities in government departments and also places in higher
educational insitutions.
I wish to stress upon that reservation
is not the soultion to oour problem. We must become rulers instead of
being ruled, givers instead of being takers, Mr. Kanshi Ram told the
crowd to a thunderous applause.It is my duty to prepare my people not
to get reservation but to grant reservation. Who can granreservation?
Only rulers can grant reservation. Hence, I will prepare my people to
become rulers.If we do not become rulers, our problems will remain
forever, Kanshi Ram said.
In order to become rulers we must
learn how to handle caste. Dr. Ambedkar, Nehru, Gandhi and Indra Gandhi
were experts in handling caste. Nehru handled caste so well that he
made Dr. Ambedkar helpless and retain the Brahminical Social Order.
Indra Gandhi also handled caste well to benefit the Brahminical Social
Order.Dr. Ambedkar prepared the SC/ST to handle Caste. That is how we could get many benefits from the British, he added.
Mr. Kanshi Ram expressed concern for 10 crores slum dwellers who are deprived of proper drinking water and electric supply.People migrating from villages to cities are also being denied of many facilities and end up in polluting the enviornment.But
those refugees who came from Pakistan after independence were duly
taken care of by the then government and a special budget was allocated
to meet their basic necessities, he pointed out to the delegates.
to Mr.Kanshi Ram ,slum dewellers presently living in urban areas are
the Dalit refugees who have migrated from the villages because of
acrimonys & atrocities committed by upper case Hindus.They
have not been able to influence the Planning Commission and the
Government of India to allocate separate budget to provide them bread,
clothes and shelter.
A decent life is a matter of fundamental
right of every citizen in accordance with the constitutional mandate,
Mr. Kanshi Ram asserted.He advocated separate settlement for dalit
people as once formulated by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.He was very critical
of the evil impact of caste-system in India.
the Indians went they never failed to carry with them this spreading
disease he told the lauging and cheering crowd.The Indians are prepared
to leave anythign behind. They leave behind their little property,
small land and their huts.But they will never leave behind their caste.
They carry with them wherever they go, he said.While urgimg the
dalits to unite he also called upon the Dalit intellectuals to shed
away the approach of existing analysis only.
They should instead come with forward-looking approach in education, economic and social problems.They must also come up with some sort of effective solution programme, Mr. Kanshi Ram added.Mr. Kanshi Ram impressed upon the delegates that Dalit problem can only be solved through political power to rule the country.'We must become the rulers instead of being ruled,'he told the cheering and applauding delegates.
Courtesy: Mr.M.G.Pandithan, New Vision. (First World Dalit Conference )
First six pictures (Left side) & Last three pictures (Right side) received from Mr. C. L. Chumber and Mr. Sonu Ambedkar (Kewal Krishan Saroya). www.ambedkartimes.com thamks to both. ============================================================================

Mayawati, the BSP supremo, sworn
in as 40th Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on May 13, 2007. This is the second
socio-cultural revolution in the history of Uttar Pradesh where during the
medieval Bhakti movement Guru Ravi Dass, an untouchable poet-saint of very high
repute, convinced the Brahmins that it was not caste but ones deeds which are
important. Brahmins and Rajput Kings prostrated before him and Ranis and
Maharanis of the then rulers and the rulers themselves became his
followers. It seems that history was repeating itself when Brahmins and Thakurs
among others were touching the feet of BSP supremo Mayawati during the
swearing-in ceremony of the new cabinet at Lucknow. Once again Mayawati has
proved that hollow prestige based on birth when put on trial in the democratic
court of social justice failed to stand any more. But proving that is much
easier said than done. Guru Ravi Dass
fought a relentless battle against his tormentors who were adopting all fair
and foul tactics to prevent him from entering into the mainstream of the social
space. He unleashed a frontal attack on
the long tradition of social oppression and untouchability. He took the battle
right into the capital of the Brahmanical Social Order (BSO) and lay bare its
fraudulent social structure. He employed Bhakti (loving devotion) as a
method of protest against social exclusion. In his Bhakti he laid
emphasis on compassion for all and absolute faith in God. His method was very
daring and noble. He choose to challenge his tormentors by adopting the
iconography of their dress code as a symbol of revolt which was not only highly
objectionable but was equally deadly for a Shudra of his times. He
rejected all forms of religious rituals and sectarian formalities. He
challenged the tyranny of Brahmins and defied them by wearing Dhoti (cloth wrapped around the waist), Janeue (sacred thread) and Tilak (sacred red mark on forehead) that
were forbidden for the untouchables. Though he attired himself like an upper
caste, he did not hide his caste. He continued with his hereditary occupation
of making/mending shoes. While adopting the prohibited dress and symbols of the
upper castes, and at the same time sticking to his hereditary occupation he,
probably, tried to show how lower castes could achieve their human rights
without compromising with their separate Dalit identity. His Bhakti
method of social protest reflected the democratic and egalitarian traits of his
social philosophy. When challenged in their own estate and even in their own
fiefdom of Bhakti, Brahmins had no option but to participate in a debate
on the shastras thrown open by the Kashi Naresh (King). As
Chandrabhan Prasad argues, “Ravidas’s genius found no match. The pandits turned
pale, bending before the saint in recognition of his greatness. The saint rode
the royal chariot through the lanes of Kashi, the King standing by his side.
That was the Dalits’ first war of independence. Kashi was secured. The cow belt
Brahmins never recovered from the shock, and were forced to reconcile to the
Dalits’ cerebral superiority”.
History was repeated on May 13,
2007. The place was Lucknow, the current capital of power in UP. And the star
of the battle was Mayawati. To be more precise this time the battle was not
around the shastras but about the numbers in the game of electoral
politics. To win in such a fierce modern battle is to prove ones metal. And
more so when you have been fighting while sharing the chariot with the ones who
were very recently sitting in your opposite camp. Mayawati did very well. She
proved her metal and turned victorious. She has reinforced the ‘cerebral
superiority’ of the Dalits once again. It is in this context that her grand
success in the recently concluded assembly election in Uttar Pradesh can be
considered as the second socio-cultural revolution in the heartland of the varnashram
order. Mayawati has provided a single-party government after more than 16 years
breaking the whirlpool of coalition politics in UP. In fact, Mayawati put an
end to coalition politics and ushered into an era of
"Dalit-Brahmin-Muslim-Thakur-Vaishya-Bhumihar-OBCs" sarvjan combined
rule. This new form of "combined rule of sarvjan" under the
leadership of the Dalits is certainly an advancement not only over the tight
rope walk of the coalition system that India has been experiencing for the last
many years, but also a new beginning of the coming of the marginalized into the
center stage of power politics.
Mayawati's Dalit-Brahmin thesis
and her emphasis on "sarv samaj" coupled with the social engineering
formula would facilitate in laying down parameters for the mitigation of the
gap between what Baba Sahib Dr. Ambedkar said "political equality and
social and economic inequality" in India. In other words, this new system
of ‘sarvjan combined rule’ would certainly
help in deepening of the roots of democracy in India and inculcating positive
feelings among the downtrodden that they too matter in this land where they
were for centuries kept socially excluded, politically marginalized and
economically deprived. Now they feel encouraged to come forward not to plead or
ask for favors because they were neglected but because they are able to provide
leadership to safely steer the ship to its destination. It was vividly clear
from the oath taking ceremony dais where Smt. Mayawati was occupying the front
seat followed by Pandit S.C. Mishra, general secretary of BSP. Is it not really
a revolution in Brahmin dominated social set-up in India where they have agreed
to not only sit behind Dalits but also to touch their feet? Imagine this even a
few years before! Mayawati is absolutely right when she said that behind her
great victory lays the philosophy of Phule, Naryana Guru, Periyar, Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar, and Babu Kanshi Ram. In fact, it is she who tried to put this
philosophy into action and translated it into reality.
Whether the Savarnas were
falling at the feet of Mayawati out of gratitude or of political expediency is
not the point. The real point is that by putting the Brahmins and Thakurs in
line and commanding respect, Mayawati has been able to evaporate the Laxman
Rekha of Varnashramdharma. She has set the ball of self-respect and
dignity of the so-called Avarnas rolling. She has brought the Savarnas
and Avarnas on a single platform, of course, led by her. What is even
more important is that she achieved all this through democratic way without
firing a single shot. And people of all sorts (read castes) stood by her in her
battle against social repression and jungle rule. In fact, this is not in any
case less than a social revolution. This revolution needs to be replicated in
other parts of the country too, if India really wants to shine as a world power
in near future. If India wants to march ahead, social exclusion has to be ended
first. Untouchability is not a problem of the Shudras only; it is a number one
problem of the entire Indian society. It needs to be tackle immediately. Baba
Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar sounded a grave warning on November 25, 1949 in the
Constituent Assembly on the completion of the Draft Constitution: “On the 26th
January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics
we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality…
We must remove this contradiction at the earliest possible moment or else those
who suffer inequality will blow up the structure of political democracy which
this Assembly has so labouriously built up”. Mayawati has fired the first shot.
The struggle has to continue.
Posted on May 15th, 2007
BSP Supremo Mayawati sworn in as 40th Chief Minister of the state Uttar Pardesh
May 13, 2007 BSP supremo Mayawati sworn in as 40th Chief Minister of
the State (UP) that is going to play a decisive role in the forth
coming presidential election. She has privided a single-party
government after more than 16 years breaking the whirlpool of coalition
politics in UP. In fact, Mayawati put an end to coalition politics and
ushered into an era of
"Dalit-Brahmin-Muslim-Thakur-Vaishya-Bhumihar-OBCs" sarvjan combined
rule. This new form of "combined rule of sarvjan" under the leadership
of the Dalits is cetrtainly an advancement not only over the tight rope
walk of the coalition system India has been experencing for the last
many years, but also a new begining of the coming of the marginalized
into the centre stage of power politics. Mayawati's Dalit-Brahmin
thesis and her emphasis on "sarv samaj" combined with the social
engineering formula would facilate in layingdown parameters for the
mitigation of gap between what Baba Sahib Dr. Ambedkar said "political
equality and social and economic inequality" in India. In other words,
this new system of combined rule would certainly help in deepening of
the roots of democracy in India and inculcatinig positive feelings
among the downtrodden that they too matter in this land where they were
for centuries kept socially excluded, politically marginalized and
economically deprived. Now they feel incouraged to come forward not to
plead or ask for favours because they were neglected but because they
are able to provide leadership to safely steer the ship to its
destination. It was vivdly clear from the oath taking ceremony dias
where Smt. Mayawati was occupaying the front seat followed by Pandit
S.C.Mishra, general secretary of BSP. Is it not really a revolution in
Brahmin dominated social set-up in India where they have agreed to not
only sit behind Dalits but also to touch their feet! Imagine this even
a few years before! Here Mayawati is absolutely right when she said
that behind all this the philosophy of Phule, Naryana Guru, Periyar,
Dr. Ambedkar, and Babu Kanshi Ram has been playing the determinant
role. And it is she who has put it into action and translated it into
reality. In her 49-member Ministry 19 Ministers are of cabinet
rank, 21 ministers of state (independent charge)and 9 ministers of
state. The caste composition of her cabinet is: three Brahmins, one
Muslim, one Thakur, one Bhumihar, one Vaishya, four Scheduled Casdtes
and eighy OBCs.Cabinet ministers are: Naseeruddin Siddiqui, Ramveer
Upadhyaya, Inderajit Saroj, Lalji Verma, Thakur Jaiveer Singh, Sukhdev
Rajbhar, Swami Prasad Maurya, Ved Ram Bhati, Laxmi Narain, Rakesh Dhar
Tripathi, Babu Singh Kushwaha, Jai Narain Rai, Phagu Chauhan, Nakul
Dubey, Daddoo Prasad, Narain Singh, Sudhir Goel, Ram Prasad Chaudhary
and Dharam Singh Saini. We all wish her success in her endeavours, Ronki Ram (Dr.) Panjab University, Chandigarh (India), Cell:+91 987 286 1290
Poted on May 13, 2007
DELHI IS NOT FAR Dear All, Jai Bheem! Congratulations The
victory of the BSP in UP has shown the way to power to those who were
being denied for centuries. Power game has its own grammer. It seems
the followers of Babu Kanshi Ram are now not too late to master it.
BSP supremo, Mayawati has proved it. She has meticulously worked out
the dynamics of number game. She has not only convinced her own people
that united they win and divided they loose, but has also established
her credentials among the dwijas who uptill very recently were opposed
tooth and nail to the coming of Dalits in to the public sphere. What is
even more important is that the people of UP are convinced that if any
political party can provide them relief from the mounting atrocities of
the erswhile establishment it is the BSP under the strong leadership of
the Madam Mayawati. They reposed confidence in her leadership and
brought her into power to bring rule of law as well as justice in the
beleaguered state of UP. Many are keeping the fingers crossed as to how
Madam Mayawati would be able to make a balance between the Dalit
emancipatory agenda of the BSP and the political expedency of her power
politics. It seems, given her acumen and dexterity in politics, she
would be able to tell the world that Dalits are now come of age and
that Delhi is not too far from them.Once again Congrats to all of you. Ronki Ram (Dr.), Dept. of Political Science,Panjab University, Chandigarh, India Cell: +91 987 286 1290.
Posted on May 11th, 2007
VT Rajshekar
Dalit Voice
This refers to Ronki Ram comment:
1. Mayawati victory proves in UP, where the Brahmin density is the highest in India, that only Dalits can protect the Brahmins.
2. Brahmins outside UUP must learn a lesson from the lead given by their blood brothers in the UP that their own “Brahmana Jati Party” (BJP) can only convert India into a burning battle field. Brahmins of UP voted for BSP because they learnt that only the Chamars can protect them from the Yadava musclemen and assure them protection and peace.
3. Muslims too voted for BSP in a fairly big way disappointing the “mainstream” Muslims who always criticized Mayawati “for joining Brahmins”.
4. Dalits, Muslims and Brahmins form the three principal actors in the Indian drama. But the Brahmins tormented both and converted India into a bloody battlefield thinking that they would win. But having been disappointed, they have come begging to Dalits who assured them protection.
5. In their own holy cowbelt, which produced Rama and Krishna, the Brahmins got defeated but the Chamars saved them.
6. We call upon Brahmins in the rest of India to give up hate-mongering and join Dalits who will protect their human rights.
7. We in “Dalitt Voice” have always supported Kanshi Ram and his BSP – including his “alliance” with Brahmins.
8. The UP experiment is a warning to all upper caste oppressors of Dalits and Muslims.
Jai Bheem! This
is the greatest achievement. I would like to thank everybody for this
victory in UP. I absolutely agree with V T Rajshekar, well said and
want to add that all dalits from all states of India should drop the
divisions of dalits and come to a main dalit party (i.e. BSP)
especially in Maharastra and some other states where many dalit
factions and parties exist. We should unite and learn lessons from the
election result from UP. Let's forget our differences and join hand
with BSP and integrate all dalits of India. Also please check out my web page (http://www.satyaguru.org) when you get a chance.
Vivek Nirala (http://www.satyaguru.org)
Posted on May 12, 2007 =====================================================
Dr. Berwa
Clearly new social engineering of "serve jan" , in which new dalit
-Brahamn alliance,has a foothold in the political arena, eeds to be
tested if this is a merely a political phenomenon. Certainy ms. mayawati's gamble has payed her hefty divdidend. History has told us that Brahamans are a cunning bunch, they use
needle to take another needle and one that is done, they throw both
nedle outside don't bring them in the house.
I wish ms. mayawati and her Cabinet all the best and hope that
law and order must be their first agenda, because public has voted on
this very iissue and gave BSP a thumping mandate by giving BSP an
absolute majory.
All political pundits except CBP were prooven wrong..
On dalit issue if the cabinet can focus on Eduction and economic
empowerment ,that will be like a fresh breeze on a hot summer day like
these days.
Well done BSP, your social engineerng was a bold one in an unchartered territory and proven wrong skeptic like me.
Finally we can now boldly say that we do have a spokesman for dalits , with a powerful voicein Ms. Mayawati. Posted on May 12, 2007
Our heartiest congratulations to Madam
Mayawati Ji, the President of Bahujan Samaj Party & her entire party
members on their great victory in Uttar Pardesh Assembly Election 2007. This
victory of BSP is a great victory of Bahujan Samaj of India.The
credit for the success goes to Mayawati & her entire team, voters
& supporters.www.ambedkartimes.com forum once again puts on record its heartiest congratulations & wishes great
success to the BSP Government in its various programme in the state of Uttar Pardesh as well
as in the whole country. Re-Posted at 2035 on May 11th, 2007
CONGRATULATIONS !!! Many-many congratulations to Behan Mayawati and her Bahujan Samaj party for becoming
victorious in the state Uttar Pradesh Assembly election 2007. We also congratulate
her on becoming the 4th time Chief Minister of the State Uttar Pradesh.We wish her great success & her BSP Government in its various programmes in the state of Uttar Pardesh as well as in the whole country. WWW.AMBEDKARTIMES.COM ============================
MOHAN GILL AMBEDKARITE, YUBA CITY, CALIFORNIA (USA) =====================================================NARANDIR SINGH HIRA SANGAMNER (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA =====================================================
NARENDER KAUR PANJABI SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA (USA) =====================================================
TARSEM JALANDHARI JOURNALIST, JALANDHAR CITY, (PANJAB) INDIA =====================================================
K. K. CHUMBER SUDARSHAN PARK,NEW DEHLI (INDIA) =====================================================
CHAMAN LAL MAHEY VILL. DHANAL KHURD P.O. PHOOL PUR, DISTT. JALANDHAR (PANJAB) INDIA ===================================================== JAGDISH KUMAR (TALWAN ) PRESIDENT, SHRI GURU RAVDASS DARBAR, BERGAMO (ITALY) =============================================================================
VINOD KUMAR CHUMBER PRESIDENT, SHRI GURU RAVIDASS SABHA BAY AREA ( CALIFORNIA ) =============================================================================
PRESIDENT, SHRI GURU RAVIDASS SABHA SELMA, CALIFORNIA (USA) ============================================================================= BANSI BANGAR PRESIDENT, SHRI GURU RAVIDASS SABHA FRESNO (c.v) CALIFORNIA (USA) =====================================================
AJIT RAM BANGAR (Chairman),TAWINDER KAZLA (Vice Chaiman), KEWAL BOLINA (President), KARNAIL VIRK (Vice President), AMAR BAIDVAN (Gen. Secretary), HANS RAJ KAJLA (Assistant Secretary), RAKESH CHANDER (Office Secretary), DHAYAN SINGH , (Cashier), DALJIT JASSAL (Assistant Cashier)
SHRI GURU RAVIDASS SABHA SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA (USA) =====================================================
Heartily Congratulations to Sister Mayawati
It is unique and
uncommon victory in Indian political democracy. It means "the dream
of Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's comes true". If the majority
of the Dalit had followed footsteps of Baba Sahib, then we would have ruled on
this country. I hope you will help the down trodden people and help their
change and their destiny. Once again many congratulations & BSP's
workers, voters, supporters, & also out of party, BSP's well wishers.
Prem Lal Sondhi
President of Valmik Shaba USA, Yuba City, California (USA) =============================================================================
Many Congratulations to Bahujan Samaj on the spectacular victory of Bahujan
Samaj Party in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections led by Bahen Mayawati. This
is the biggest victory of Ambedkar movement. Thanks to all UP people for voting
to BSP. This victory will lead Bahen Mayawati's Elephant, road to Delhi
one day and fulfill the dream of Late Babu Kanshi Ram Ji.
Kamal Dev Paul President, International Bahujan Organization (California) =====================================================
Assistant Secretary, International Bahujan Organization (California)